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Safeguarding E-Learning

e-Learning is no longer available on the Learning & Development website

If you are SGC staff
then you will have been sent a welcome email from the Learning & Development team providing the link to the Internal Enable website.

You will receive an email confirming that you have been set up on the website, please follow the link provided in the email to complete the registration process and set up your password.

Please visit the learning section of the website and you will have been allocated the new starter mandatory council induction e-modules for you to complete.

If you have not received your welcome email, please contact

There are a number of e-modules that are recommended by the South Gloucestershire Children's Partnership.  This includes a "Safeguarding Everyone" e-module  that supports the introduction of the new Corporate Safeguarding Guidance in 2020, for South Gloucestershire Council staff. 
All new SGC staff should complete this e-module.

If you are from an external organisation
then you will need to register via this link
If you have already registered this is the link to access the site - Enable

Please note that some of the course names have changed. 
Please see below for the list of most commonly accessed e-modules and the change of name where appropriate.

Level 2 Safeguarding Children
(previously known as Awareness of Child Abuse and Neglect)

FGM Abuse linked to faith or belief
(previously known as An Introduction to FGM, Forced Marriage, Spirit Possession and Honour Based Violence)

Awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse
(previously known as Awareness of Domestic Violence and abuse including the impact on children, young people and adults at risk)
Child Exploitation
(previously known as Safeguarding Children from Abuse by Sexual Exploitation)

Safeguarding Everyone Level 1 (previously known as Safeguarding Everyone - Protecting Children, Young People and Adults at Risk

There is a charge of £20 per e-module to all external organisations.
Any queries please contact

For Foster Carers & Adopters e-modules:
email with your name, e-module request, and type ‘FPT: KCA online booking request’ into the subject box.

South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Child Protection Training Pathway.

The Learning Objectives for all three of our Child Protection Courses have been agreed by the Avon and Somerset Strategic Safeguarding Partnership. This has been done so that training attended in one Local Authority covered by this area ( B&NES, North Somerset, Somerset, Bristol, South Gloucestershire) complements the child protection training offer in the other authorities, so that repetition of training can be avoided. It also ensures that the training builds on what has been covered in a previous session.

Unfortunately this does mean that any other safeguarding training provided by external agencies, even when it has the same or a similar title and whose learning objectives differ, are not a suitable alternative, and don’t fit into the Children’s Partnership training pathway.

Click here for the South Gloucestershire Children's Partnership (SGCP) Training Pathway Flow Chart

In order to progress through our Child Protection courses in any of the local authorities in the region you must complete them in the following order:

Introduction to Child Protection (previously known as Inter Agency Child Protection) should be renewed every 2 years (if not completed Advanced Child Protection).

Advanced Child Protection (previously known as Advanced Inter Agency Child Protection) should be completed once and then complete the Advanced Child Protection Update after 2 years.

Advanced Child Protection Update (previously known as Child Protection Update) should be renewed every 2 years (after completing the initial Advanced Child Protection). However, if the 2 years lapse then the Advanced Child Protection should be retaken.

We want you to find our training engaging and beneficial. Without the knowledge that is covered in a previous session of our CP training pathway, the activities being asked of you in the follow on sessions will be difficult and may not make sense.

Note for NHS staff:

Introduction to Child Protection
The Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children, for the BNSSG ICB, has advised that this course is equivalent to Level 2, in line with the Intercollegiate Document.

Advanced Child Protection and Advanced Child Protection Update
The Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children, for the BNSSG ICB, has advised that this course is equivalent to Level 3, in line with the Intercollegiate Document.


Login here to book a place on a course or access e-Learning



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10 July 2023
Safeguarding Training PathwayThe advice from South... Read More



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