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Code: SGC/24/0003 Advanced Child Protection

Please click here to view and download the course handouts

Please click here to view the South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children’s Partnership Child Protection Training Pathway to ensure that you are following the correct training pathway.

Please have a digital copy (or print if you prefer) of the course WORKBOOK to bring along to the session. (All other resources are available for digital download and storage via the same link should you wish to use them during or after the event)

Also, please be aware that some of the resources contain sensitive content, that you may find upsetting. This training aims to educate and raise awareness, but it can evoke emotional responses, particularly for individuals with personal connections to child or adult bereavements, or the incidents themselves.

If you find the content overwhelming, we encourage you to prioritise your well-being. Take breaks, reflect on your boundaries, and seek support from trusted individuals or professionals as needed. For assistance during or after the training, please reach out to the trainer or your line manager in the first instance, contact Interchange the staff counselling service, or you can also access Thrive.

We are committed to creating an inclusive learning environment and promoting empathy and respect for all.

The training is organised by South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership and is targeted at all staff from all agencies who are working directly with children, or adults who are parents. Effective child protection depends not only on reliable and accepted procedures for all staff involved with children, but also on their skills, knowledge and judgement and the ability to work together co-operatively. Staff with lead roles in child protection require specialised training in order to carry out their work with abused children and families. Please note it is recommended to leave a minimum of 3 months between attending Introduction to Child Protection and Advanced Child Protection.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 7553 2365
Passcode: 929170

In order to fully participate in this training session:

• Participants must be provided with protected time, in an environment free from all work-related duties and distractions to successfully participate in the sessions.
• Participants require access to a camera and microphone to be able to fully engage in the session

Failiure to comply with the above may result in non issue of certificate and you may be asked to reattend this course.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 21 February 2024 09:30 - 16:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/24/0247 Signs of Safety - Bitesize Session - Finding Family Networks (SGC Staff only) (Cancelled)

A session for people working with children and families in South Gloucestershire to be able to explore and gain confidence in finding family networks to increase connection, belonging, life- long links for children and young people.

Click here to join the meeting

Please note: All attendees must have already attended Signs of Safety Awareness session or Signs of Safety 2 day training to be able to attend this course

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 21 February 2024 13:30 - 15:30 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/24/0424 Teams Training for Property Services 05 (Badminton Road Room 2006)

Training session targeting Microsoft Teams.

We will be looking at what Microsoft Teams is, how we can use it within the council, understanding our way around it and also addressing any concerns that anyone may have around Teams, in order to better increase understanting and confidence with using it.

Taking place in Badminton Road Room 2006

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 21 February 2024 14:00 - 15:30 Badminton Road 2006 Map