The Purpose for these Support Groups:
6pm-6.30pm Share The Care discussion group with Jakie Dyer *ONLY FOR SHARE THE CARE CARERS*
6.30pm-8pm *OPEN TO ALL Carers* - Topic TBC
We realise that fostering can be really difficult at times. Perhaps the only people who really understand it are other foster carers and so therefore we want to give you a place to meet up.
Although these will be informal meetings, each session will have a brief agenda, attendance list, and agreed group rules. This is to help those who don’t know anyone and feel awkward about coming along to a new meeting, to feel that they won’t be left alone on the side-lines.
These sessions should be recorded on your Personal Development Plan (PDP).
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 10 September 2025 | 18:00 - 20:00 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
The Purpose for the support groups
We realise that fostering can be really difficult at times. Perhaps the only people who really understand it are other foster carers and so therefore we want to give you a place to meet up.
There will be biscuits and/or cake, coffee, tea, and an opportunity for an informal chat at all of the meetings.
Although these will be informal meetings, each session will have a brief agenda, attendance list, and agreed group rules. This is to help those who don’t know anyone and feel awkward about coming along to a new meeting, to feel that they won’t be left alone on the side-lines.
Sometimes there will be speakers and topics as requested by the group, this will hopefully make it as relevant to your fostering as you like.
These sessions should be recorded on your Personal Development Plan (PDP).
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 18 September 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00 | Yate Children's Centre (Cranleigh Court) | Map |
This training is for people who will be using the Signs of Safety approach in their day-to-day work with children, young people and their families or carers. It is also relevant for people who will be supervising others who are using the approach. The two day Signs of Safety Introduction training is provided by accredited external trainers and places are limited. Key Integrated Children's Services staff to attend are those who chair key meetings and who undertake statutory assessments gathering information from other agencies and where the outcome has a considerable impact on the life of a child/family.
Course Duration: Two days
Course Aims: This training provides practitioners and managers with the skills and knowledge to be able to start to use the Signs of Safety approach in their practice.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 25 September 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Badminton Road G12 | Map |
2 | 26 September 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Badminton Road G12 | Map |
Please note: All attendees must have already attended Signs of Safety Awareness session or Signs of Safety 2 day training to be able to attend this course
Essential InformationSession | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 02 October 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Badminton Road G12 | Map |
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 09 October 2025 | 18:30 - 19:30 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
The Purpose for the support groups
*Topic TBC*
We realise that fostering can be really difficult at times. Perhaps the only people who really understand it are other foster carers and so therefore we want to give you a place to meet up.
There will be biscuits and/or cake, coffee, tea, and an opportunity for an informal chat at all of the meetings.
Although these will be informal meetings, each session will have a brief agenda, attendance list, and agreed group rules. This is to help those who don’t know anyone and feel awkward about coming along to a new meeting, to feel that they won’t be left alone on the side-lines.
These sessions should be recorded on your Personal Development Plan (PDP).
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 14 October 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00 | To Be Advised | Map |
The course programme follows a set syllabus and includes topics such as:
- Apply an ergonomics systems approach to safer handling
- To understand the need for evidence based practice
- Be able to select and evaluate a range of current handling manoeuvres
- Be able to select and evaluate a range of mechanical and small handling aids that are presently available
- Will recognise unacceptable/controversial handling techniques
- To feel competent and confident to assist others to problem solve manual handling scenarios.
- assessment of single handed care using equipment.
Mandatory training course for OTs to comply with Health & Safety at Work Act legislation and meet RCOT code of ethics
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 15 October 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Acorn Health & Safety Ltd | Map |
As a new employee of the council, it’s important that you get an understanding of how the council works, how your role contributes to the overall council plan, how decisions are made, what is expected of you and what you can expect from us.
This face-to-face induction offers a welcoming and interactive experience and includes a welcome from the Chief Executive or one of his Executive Directors, an overview of the council and it’s services with a guided tour (accessible version available), and the opportunity to meet other new starters.
Social Care staff must also book the afternoon Social Care Learning & Development Welcome session (Click here to book)where you will find out more about the learning and development and career progression offer available to you.
Please note - if you are an existing member of staff, have not previously attended a council induction, and think it would be of benefit to you, you can request a place on this induction.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 October 2025 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
This 45-minute bitesize session has been designed to support practitioners in learning more about Private Fostering and their obligations.
This session is recommended for all practitioners working with children and young people across all agencies to understand their responsibilities and who to contact in South Gloucestershire to seek help and guidance.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 04 November 2025 | 12:00 - 12:45 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
This session supports participants to learn and develop resilience strategies and tools for themselves, and the children and young people they work with, as well as signposting to further support.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 26 November 2025 | 18:30 - 19:30 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |