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Code: SGC/23/0190 Administration of Medication (EVENT FULL)

L&R building Seminar Room 10, Southmead Hospital

This half day course follows CQC requirements on the administration of medication. It includes trainer presentation, discussion, and a short multiple-choice assessment at the end to check the information has been retained by participants. Relevant handouts/paperwork will be provided. This course is aimed at any adult social care staff in South Gloucestershire, working in domiciliary, residential and day care services (statutory sector AND IVP sector agencies).

This session is £50 for non SGC staff

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 January 2023 09:00 - 12:00 Southmead Hospital Learning & Research Building Map

Code: SGC/23/0012 Advanced Child Protection Update (previously known as Child Protection Update) (EVENT FULL)

Please click here to view and download the course handouts

This course is delivered on behalf of the South Gloucestershire Children's Partnership.

Participants should be only those who have already completed an Advanced-level of Child Protection training within statutory or setting-related timescales, and who now need to maintain this level of training.

Participants will be expected to have a good working knowledge of safeguarding with experience of statutory and local child protection responsibilities and procedures.

Effective child protection depends not only on reliable and accepted procedures for all staff involved with children, but also on their skills, knowledge and judgment and the ability to work together co-operatively.

Staff with lead roles in child protection require specialised training in order to carry out their work with abused children and families.

The learning outcomes for this training are designed to ensure that all participants receive updates in the latest child protection legislation, statutory guidance, local policies, procedures and professional requirements.

Requirements for training via Zoom:
  • Participants must be provided with protected time, in an environment free from all work-related duties and distractions to successfuly complete the training
  • Participants require access to a camera and microphone to be able to fully engage in the session
  • On the day of training, should the above requirements not be possible, participants should rebook for a different date when they are able to meet the requirements, failure to full engage in the session may result in non-issue of certificate and a request to repeat the training session.

Requirements for face-to-face training:
  • Participants must arrive on time and allow time for parking.
  • Participants should attend the full training day, participants should be rebook for a different date if they are unable to attend the full day.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 January 2023 10:00 - 12:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/23/0240 Epilepsy Awareness

This one day programme is intended for any individuals from the Council and staff from all Statutory, Voluntary and Independent sectors working with people with Epilepsy.

Non-care staff need only attend the morning session of this course.

The course is a combination of interactive discussion, demonstration and practice with equipment and group work.

The standard charge for this course is £95 per day. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 January 2023 09:30 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/22/0911 First Aid For Carers (EVENT FULL)

CS1 .This course has been tailored to suit the needs of Foster Carers, Adopters and Family Link Carers who look after children on a 24 hour basis. This is a certificated course, so please ensure you can arrive on time and attend all of the course.


If you have any covid symptoms or have been asked to isolate, do not attend the course.

All participants attending this course will be required to bring a paper disposable 3 ply face mask - fabric masks / scarves will not be acceptable. Wearing a mask will be necessary when moving around the building and when doing practical elements of the training that require you to be working close together.

If you have any questions you would like to discuss with the trainer, Acorn are happy to take phone calls on 0117 958 2070 option 1, prior to the course.

Tea and coffee will be available, but please note that lunch is not included.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 January 2023 09:30 - 16:30 Acorn Health & Safety Ltd Map

Code: SGC/23/0034 Part 2 (Adult’s Workforce): Working with Domestic Abuse within the context of Multi Agency Working – promoting critically reflective practice (Cancelled)

Test your knowledge before you attend the training (SGC employees only):

This is a virtual course delivered by Sarah Wigley, commissioned on behalf of the South Glos Safeguarding Adults Board.

Suitable For: All health and social care professionals who work with individuals on an
ongoing basis who are or may be experiencing domestic abuse.

Please note: We will send your joining instructions (including the link to join this session) via email closer to the time of this event.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 January 2023 09:30 - 16:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/23/0005 Raising Awareness of Child Exploitation - A Contextual Safeguarding Approach

Please click here to view and download the course handouts

Test your knowledge before you attend the training! (SGC employees only)

This is a one day course that raises practitioners awareness to what child sexual exploitation is, what child criminal exploitation is and county lines. It will give practitioners an understanding of what signs to look out for, what contextual safeguarding is and how we are trying to tackle exploitation.

Requirements for training via Zoom:

  • Participants must be provided with protected time, in an environment free from all work-related duties and distractions to successfuly complete the training
  • Participants require access to a camera and microphone to be able to fully engage in the session
  • On the day of training, should the above requirements not be possible, participants should rebook for a different date when they are able to meet the requirements, failure to full engage in the session may result in non-issue of certificate and a request to repeat the training session.

Requirements for face-to-face training:

  • Participants must arrive on time and allow time for parking.
  • Participants should attend the full training day, participants should be rebook for a different date if they are unable to attend the full day.
  • Please print any handouts attached to this event and bring them along with you to the session.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 January 2023 09:30 - 13:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/23/0125 Recruitment, onboarding and induction (SGC staff only)

The aim of this blended online course is to enable managers with no previous recruitment experience to carry out effective recruitment.

If you have recruited in other organisations you may also find this useful as a refresher or to find out the council approach.

The course will familiarise you with the council’s recruitment guide and you will explore essential and additional criteria for posts, options regarding advert content and where adverts are placed, how to identify appropriate selection processes to use alongside the recruitment interview, shortlisting, preparing for interviews and other assessment tools, how to make fair and unbiased recruitment decisions, giving feedback and the steps you need to take to induct a new starter through to probation.

Participants will need to put aside 2.5 hours to complete the Rise self-study package entitled: “Recruitment, onboarding and induction” in advance of the training day to ensure a baseline of knowledge.

Recruitment, onboarding and induction webinar e-module

The day itself will consist of some group discussions and self reflection time to aid your learning. As this course covers South Gloucestershire processes it is for internal staff only.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 January 2023 09:30 - 16:30 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map