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Please note you have to do this training programme in order.
South Gloucestershire Council has launched a new interactive training programme that gives Health and Social Care Workers the skills, knowledge, confidence and practice to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The programme is made up of interactive learning workshops. The new skills and knowledge gained from the workshops are then applied in the workplace and you will send us evidence. You'll be given feedback as you acheive the required good practice and compliance standard of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The programme is designed for Care Provider managers, Social Worker and Occupational Therapy staff and managers, nurses and all other professionals working in health and social care. You can select from a series of modules as relevant to your job which are listed below.
How the programme works -
You attend a module workshop
You then submit evidence of what you have learned in the workplace (usually within six weeks)
You receive feedback which may be shared with your employer.
Once you have achieved the required standard for compliance and good practice in line with the MCA code of practice you will be awarded a certificate for that module.
Continuing Professional Development
This programme can be used by Social Workers as a basis for Accredited Learning under the South Gloucestershire Council/ University of the West of England Integrated Professional Development Programme.
The standard charge for this course is £47.50. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 November 2022 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
Dear Councillors,
We would like to invite you to a 2 hour briefing on ‘Planning Enforcement Process, Practices and Training’.
This session will cover: A brief review of some current planning enforcement topics. Explanation on how our decisions must be made to avoid successful challenge. This session will not discuss specific cases. If you would like to suggest subjects for discussion please email (to Dawn Russell in advance of 18 November 2022.
If you have any special requirements, please email or and we will be happy to help.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 November 2022 | 10:00 - 12:00 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
The Virtual School value the time they spend with carers, and to enable this to be an even more successful partnership between school and home, have arranged four sessions to take place over the school year.
This second session will be led by Jacqui Lewis (Early Years Setting Support Officer) and Jo Hiam (Virtual School teacher).
It will look at what the Early Years (EY) Provision actually looks like, and whether there is anything specific that you as foster carers need to be aware of.
Many of us don’t always know what is available re support or what you should expect settings to provide once accessing EY provision, and the various processes and funding the setting can receive to support the child’s development.
They would be very interested to answer any questions that you may have so if you do have any questions, could you either please email them to
Jacqui Lewis ; Jo Hiam
Examples of questions could be:
Do children looked after have PEP’s ( Personal Education Plans)at this age?
Does the child’s social worker get involved with nurseries and preschools at all?
It is hoped that this session will run annually, so it will also be used to share any local and national updates that there may be.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 November 2022 | 20:00 - 21:30 | Webinar: Microsoft Teams | Map |
These 50 minute coaching sessions with coaches will assist council staff in coming up with strategies and action plans to maintain and build their wellbeing and resilience. Unlike counselling which provides a safe space to explore worries and concerns, these confidential coaching sessions will help staff come up with individual plans to help them build their resilience, understand what they can do to enhance their wellbeing and overcome current and future obstacles. There are activities and exercises that wellbeing coaches can also give people to work through in their own time if they would find it useful.
Please note these sessions will be delivered by skype or telephone. Your coach will contact you to confirm the best method for you.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 November 2022 | 15:00 - 16:00 | Skype/Telephone | Map |