Getting That Job for South Glos employees only
This online session will help you to build the skills needed to perform well during the recruitment process. We will cover limiting beliefs (negative thinking) – how to manage them so that you can achieve your goals, skills self-assessment to identify and apply your transferable skills and experiences, key points to help you create a great CV, application forms and expression of interest letters, and interview preparation.
By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer.
Wellbeing Coaching - South Glos staff only (Deb Parsons) (EVENT FULL)
These 50 minute coaching sessions with coaches will assist council staff in coming up with strategies and action plans to maintain and build their wellbeing and resilience. Unlike counselling which provides a safe space to explore worries and concerns, these confidential coaching sessions will help staff come up with individual plans to help them build their resilience, understand what they can do to enhance their wellbeing and overcome current and future obstacles. There are activities and exercises that wellbeing coaches can also give people to work through in their own time if they would find it useful.
Please note these sessions will be delivered by skype or telephone. Your coach will contact you to confirm the best method for you.