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Code: SGC/20/1516 ASYE NQSW Group - Well Being and Resilience

This event is only open to the council's current NQSWs undertaking their ASYE.
Due to the curent Covid-19 situation, this workshop will take place remotely, using ZOOM. If you do not already have a licence to use Zoom, please contact the council's ICT team via a Marval webform to request that you have one for training purposes, so you can access this workshop.

Well-being and resilience are developed in the context of both our internal sense of self and the external context we find ourselves in. When we work in a career which involves us in engaging with people who are experiencing emotional and psychological trauma, this will inevitably have an impact on our own resilience and well-being.

Developing well-being and resilience is more than just a set of tools or strategies. It is a holistic approach to life and work, based in our values and beliefs, which integrates daily practices to support ourselves in the challenging work we have chosen to do.

This workshop has been developed to provide a space for you to reflect and share with colleagues. You will:
• identify and acknowledge the impact of the work on your self
• identify your own triggers for increased stress and indicators of reduced resilience and potential secondary trauma
• develop your knowledge of the research into promoting well-being, resilience and happiness
• explore some practices for managing and maintaining your levels of resilience and well-being
• create a Well-being Action Plan to discuss with your manager in supervision.

About Penny: Penny has worked for over twenty five years in a child-care social work context. She continues to be involved in this sector providing individual and group supervision, practice education for student social workers and professional and personal development sessions. She also works with a group of like-minded professionals from a variety of backgrounds, to develop workshops and exercises which harness the natural environment as a source of emotional and psychological nourishment for those who work in frontline services.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 16 October 2020 09:30 - 16:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/20/1292 Managing Mindset (EVENT FULL)

This workshop will be delivered as a webinar via Zoom. Once you receive the invite from the trainer, please check that the Zoom link works.

If you are a South Gloucestershire Council employee, and don't already have access to Zoom, you will need to contact ICT for a licence. They have requested that this is done via a General Request Webform.

How does what we think impact our reality? What would happen if we altered our thinking to something more helpful? You talk more to yourself than to anyone else in the world. In the face of challenging situations the words you choose for that conversation with yourself will directly impact how quickly you are able to move forward. Neuroscience shows that our brains continue to develop and change even as adults. The brain is actually quite like plastic, and can be reshaped over time, forming new neural pathways. This has led neuroscientists to call this tendency neuroplasticity. So if what you or others around you are currently thinking is unhelpful, the session will give strategies to begin to alter that thinking.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 16 October 2020 09:30 - 11:00 Webinar: Zoom Map