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Code: SGC/24/0316 PDPR Skills (SGC Only)

Managers are responsible for the management of individual and team performance. This blended course will explain the Council's Personal Development and Performance Review (PDPR)) process. The workshop focuses on understanding what is required of managers in this process, practising the skills to carry out effective and positive meetings, understanding objective setting and making the PDPR process meaningful and engaging for all staff. There is an online course which gives you more information about the expectations of you as a manager in this process.

This course is particularly useful for council managers who are new to carrying out PDPRs as it provides you an opportunity to ask questions and discuss good practice with other council colleagues.

Please take some time to review the PDPR skills for manager’s online course and read the quality standard and guidance notes ahead of the training day.

Please log onto the Enable website and visit Learning > Available Learning. The PDPR skills for managers e-learning is within the Management & Leadership section.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 20 June 2024 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0504 WAYPOINT Drop-in: Mainstream and short break foster carers

The WAYPOINT (Working Alongside Young People & Others In Networks Therapeutically) Team is part of the Fostering Service. WAYPOINT provide therapeutically informed support to children, families, foster carers, and professional networks. This support is additional to the support provided by your supervising social worker and children’s social workers.

The monthly WAYPOINT Drop-in sessions are facilitated by Dan Charnock, WAYPOINT Senior Social Worker and are open to all mainstream foster carers. The aim of the WAYPOINT Drop in is to provide a reflective and open space for foster carers to come along and discuss issues or concerns you may be facing. While each session includes a space to reflect on challenges, there is also a significant focus on sharing strategies and thinking about therapeutic approaches to difficult situations and celebrating successes.

You don’t have to be going through a difficult time to attend – peer support, learning and reflection is always valuable, and there is no pressure for anyone to share within the sessions. Topics for each session tend to arise on the day, ensuring the focus is relevant to the content brought to the drop in. However, there is also the option to agree a topic for a future session to enable a more in-depth focus. Discussion often includes topics such as attachment, trauma, and use of therapeutic approaches such as PACE and NVR, and ideas come not only from Dan but from within the group.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 20 June 2024 09:30 - 11:30 Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre Map