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Code: SGC/24/0076 ASYE ACADEMY - Engaging Fathers

Facilitated by Jon Symmonds at University of Bristol.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 June 2024 10:00 - 13:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0525 Autism Training (SGC Staff Only)

The training consists of two presentations that provide an introduction to the Autism Spectrum.

Part 1 looks at themes such as what Autism is, traits & behaviours associated with Autism, the social challenges that autistic people face day to day, coping mechanisms, and barriers to employment.

Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 386 644 589 223
Passcode: JpFnFf

Part 2 briefly recaps the themes from part 1 and looks at themes such as the different types of Autism, skills and abilities commonly associated with Autism, mental health, the pros and cons of the two different models of disability, advice on how best to support autistic residents and colleagues you may work with, and famous people on the spectrum. Part 2 also features interactive elements such as a quiz.

Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 365 391 332 902
Passcode: xB2WGh

Both presentations feature videos.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 June 2024 11:00 - 11:45 Microsoft TEAMS Map
2 19 June 2024 11:00 - 11:45 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/24/0352 Coaching and mentoring group supervision (morning session) (EVENT FULL)

These sessions are for members of the South Gloucestershire Council Coaching and Mentoring Service and is open to external coaches.

We ask that all members attend two sessions of group supervision per year. Please see full details below for more information.

Full details:

What is coaching supervision?

Coaching supervision is the practice of reflecting upon your work as a coach, usually with a trained supervisor in either a 1:1 or group basis. It is often emphasised as ‘SUPER-vision' providing you with an enhanced ability to see your work from multiple perspectives. If not viewed like this coach supervision could be misconstrued as a more managerial practice by someone with more power than yourself 'checking' that you are 'doing it right'. Far from this, the relationship is more of one of equals, where the supervisor and coach (supervisee) sit 'side by side' in a safe, non-judgemental space getting curious about the your work as a coach. Through this process you gain insight into yourself, the client and the work you do together. Regular coaching supervision will enable the coach to explore these areas and in doing so improve their coaching effectiveness and ensure best value for coachees. Coaching supervision is an essential part of a coach’s ongoing learning and development.

It is free for internal coaches and we will charge external coaches £100 per session or £300 for four.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 June 2024 10:00 - 12:00 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/24/0469 Emotion Coaching

This training has been arranged for foster carers or those working with our children looked after.

What is emotion coaching? Emotion coaching was first introduced by John Gottman and his colleagues in the USA. Emotion coaching is about helping children to become more aware of their emotions and to manage their own feelings particularly during instances of misbehaviour. It entails validating children's emotions, setting limits where appropriate and problem-solving with the child to develop more effective behavioural strategies.

Any issues feel free to call or email Chris Hill on 07749003099 or

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 June 2024 10:00 - 13:00 Patchway Children's Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0184 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Essentials for Care Workers

Please note if you are a Social Worker you should book onto the Professional version of this course.

This training course provides Care Workers with the essential skills and knowledge to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 when carrying out their role.

The MCA applies to every health and social care worker who is involved in the care, treatment or support of people who are unable to make all or some decisions themselves. Care Quality Commission Inspectors are increasingly asking care workers to explain their responsibilities under the MCA.

The MCA provides legal protection from liability for carrying out care and treatment of people who lack capacity to consent, provided that care workers:

• Understand the principles of the MCA
• Have carried out a capacity assessment and reasonably believe that the person lacks capacity.
• Reasonably believe the action they have taken is in the best interests of the person.

Learning Outcome
1. Understand what mental capacity is and what might affect the mental capacity of the people you work with
2. Be able to identify the decisions you are responsible for in your workplace
3. Be able to apply the MCA principles to the decisions you are responsible for
4. Be able to carry out an assessment of capacity
5. Be able to act and decide in the person’s best interests where they lack capacity for a particular decision.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 June 2024 09:30 - 12:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0394 Race Awareness (AM) SGC - ASC & ICS staff only (EVENT FULL)

Please see attached pre-coursework details which must be completed prior to the training session

We have received feedback from the trainers saying that delegates were unable to do the pre learning as the links didn’t work. Numerous testing by EDP, ourselves and the fact that many other colleagues have had no issues, leads us to conclude that the links are all fine.

However, if you are having difficulty accessing these, please let us know well before the course.
  • Increase understanding around race, racism and systemic racism as well as how it manifests in relation to social care specifically
  • Exploring disparities from statistics that have been caused by systemic racism specific to social care and other core English institutions
  • Understanding our own unconscious bias and social conditioning to help us better challenge ourselves, our thoughts and our beliefs
  • A deep dive into white privilege, power & advantage
  • Cultural awareness and how being aware of cultural norms can help us be more culturally competent when supporting people
  • Learning what microaggression are and what we can do to mitigate against them and how to support somebody who has experienced a microaggression
  • Exploring Language the nuances and connotations associated with some outdated terms
  • How to be an anti-racism ally and what this means as an individual, team and organisation

After you have attended the session make your Anti Racism pledge here and course evaluation here

All staff will be offered support where needed by the trainer and the organisation

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 June 2024 10:00 - 13:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map