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153 events found

Code: SGC/24/0646 Emotional Regulation- School age children

This workshop is run local Primary Mental Health Specialist's, they have many years of experience across CAMHS and Children’s service. They will guide you through to better understand Emotional regulation and to support you with tips and tools to support your work with Children and Families. You will also be signposted to further organisations and support.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 04 March 2025 09:30 - 11:00 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0038 Introduction to the Care Act (EVENT FULL)

Your pre-course activity is attached. 

Please note: By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer. This is so they can send you any further relevant resources.

Who it's for:  Social Care and OT Practitioners working directly with people in need of care and support.

The course gives an understanding of the Care Act 2014, its principles and duties.
Content includes:
• an overview of the Care Act and its implications
• an outline of the wellbeing principle and duty
• general and specific duties under the Care Act
• how to prevent, delay or reduce care needs with information and advice
• a look at independent advocacy
• safeguarding adults
• assessments of needs, carers assessments and eligibility determination
• an individual’s journey through the reform system.

The standard charge for this course is £103.50. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 04 March 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map
2 05 March 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/25/0019 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Mod 1: Professional (Cancelled)


Please check that you can access Zoom prior to the event. Licences can take up to an hour after being requested, zoom can be accessed via the web browser if you have not been able to request your license in time.

If you work with Children please book onto the Children's Services version of this course

Please note you have to do this training programme in order.

SGC staff only:
Additional learning resources here: Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty (Sway resource)
Request to shadow a MCA assessment here: Peer Shadowing Network Yammer Group

South Gloucestershire Council has launched a new interactive training programme that gives Health and Social Care Workers the skills, knowledge, confidence and practice to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The programme is made up of interactive learning workshops. The new skills and knowledge gained from the workshops are then applied in the workplace.
The programme is designed for Care Provider managers, Social Worker and Occupational Therapy staff and managers, nurses and all other professionals working in health and social care.

The standard charge for this course is £49. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 04 March 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/24/0609 Reflective Supervision (internal Adult Social Care staff only)

PLEASE NOTE: This course is for internal Adult Social Care staff only.

Reflective Practice in Supervision. A two workshop programme for supervisors.

This programme is for Senior Practitioner OT’s and Social Workers and Managers who provide supervision. It will support you in your Supervisor role whether you are a new or experienced Senior Practitioner or manager.

Aim of the Programme and context

Research and practice demonstrate that Social Workers and Occupational Therapists must have access to regular, good quality supervision; it is an importance element to achieving effective practice, providing advice and support as well as promoting professional resilience and wellbeing. Regular supervision is essential to achieve a high-quality service (DoH 2015, BASW 2013, COT 2015) and this is endorsed and supported by the relevant professional bodies and managers in the Department for People. (South Gloucestershire Supervision in Adult Social Care Policy 2021).

This duet of workshops has been developed for supervisors who want to revisit and develop their skills, knowledge and application of reflective supervision as an effective means to meet organisational, professional and individual objectives.

The course consists of two half-day workshops held in person over a two-month period to give participants an opportunity to apply their learning. The workshops will be for a closed group of twelve people, the group size maximising the opportunity to participate; each workshop combines inputs from the facilitator with interactive exercises that promote reflection and application using examples of supervision practice provided by the learning group.

To make the most of this learning opportunity, participants will be expected to read the agency policy prior to the first workshop and between workshops complete short tasks to encourage the application of ideas and theory to their current supervisory experiences. Participants will be provided with material electronically, after each workshop to complement and reinforce messages from the sessions.

Course content is informed by the Knowledge and Skills Statement for Practice Supervisors (DOE 2015), Post-qualifying Standards for Social Work Practice supervisors in Adult Social Care(DHSC 2018) the Professional Capabilities Framework (SWRB2012), Employer Standards (particularly Standard 5) all of which promote the principle that staff should receive quality supervision that provides opportunities for challenge and reflective learning; this will enable them to sustain standards of professionalism, competence, credibility and currency.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 04 March 2025 13:00 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
2 01 April 2025 13:00 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0002 Introduction to Child Protection (EVENT FULL)

Please click here to view and download the course handouts.

This training is organised by South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership and is targeted at all staff from all agencies who are working directly with children, or adults who are parents.

This training session will cover: The laws and policies that relate to safeguarding children and YP What we mean by safeguarding and how some children can be harmed What signs to look out for How ACE's impact families and children Local and inter-agency procedures that are in place The role of early help Appropriate information sharing Responding to allegations.

Requirements for face-to-face training:

  • Participants must arrive on time and allow time for parking.
  • Participants should attend the full training day, participants should be rebook for a different date if they are unable to attend the full day.
  • Please note that there is not a requirement to print off the handouts.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 05 March 2025 09:30 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0018 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Essentials for Care Workers (EVENT FULL)

Please note if you are a Social Worker you should book onto the Professional version of this course.

This training course provides Care Workers with the essential skills and knowledge to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 when carrying out their role.

The MCA applies to every health and social care worker who is involved in the care, treatment or support of people who are unable to make all or some decisions themselves. Care Quality Commission Inspectors are increasingly asking care workers to explain their responsibilities under the MCA.

The MCA provides legal protection from liability for carrying out care and treatment of people who lack capacity to consent, provided that care workers:

• Understand the principles of the MCA
• Have carried out a capacity assessment and reasonably believe that the person lacks capacity.
• Reasonably believe the action they have taken is in the best interests of the person.

Learning Outcome
1. Understand what mental capacity is and what might affect the mental capacity of the people you work with
2. Be able to identify the decisions you are responsible for in your workplace
3. Be able to apply the MCA principles to the decisions you are responsible for
4. Be able to carry out an assessment of capacity
5. Be able to act and decide in the person’s best interests where they lack capacity for a particular decision.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 05 March 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0610 Reflective Supervision (internal Adult Social Care staff only) (Cancelled)

PLEASE NOTE: This course is for internal Adult Social Care staff only.

Reflective Practice in Supervision. A two workshop programme for supervisors.

This programme is for Senior Practitioner OT’s and Social Workers and Managers who provide supervision. It will support you in your Supervisor role whether you are a new or experienced Senior Practitioner or manager.

Aim of the Programme and context

Research and practice demonstrate that Social Workers and Occupational Therapists must have access to regular, good quality supervision; it is an importance element to achieving effective practice, providing advice and support as well as promoting professional resilience and wellbeing. Regular supervision is essential to achieve a high-quality service (DoH 2015, BASW 2013, COT 2015) and this is endorsed and supported by the relevant professional bodies and managers in the Department for People. (South Gloucestershire Supervision in Adult Social Care Policy 2021).

This duet of workshops has been developed for supervisors who want to revisit and develop their skills, knowledge and application of reflective supervision as an effective means to meet organisational, professional and individual objectives.

The course consists of two half-day workshops held in person over a two-month period to give participants an opportunity to apply their learning. The workshops will be for a closed group of twelve people, the group size maximising the opportunity to participate; each workshop combines inputs from the facilitator with interactive exercises that promote reflection and application using examples of supervision practice provided by the learning group.

To make the most of this learning opportunity, participants will be expected to read the agency policy prior to the first workshop and between workshops complete short tasks to encourage the application of ideas and theory to their current supervisory experiences. Participants will be provided with material electronically, after each workshop to complement and reinforce messages from the sessions.

Course content is informed by the Knowledge and Skills Statement for Practice Supervisors (DOE 2015), Post-qualifying Standards for Social Work Practice supervisors in Adult Social Care(DHSC 2018) the Professional Capabilities Framework (SWRB2012), Employer Standards (particularly Standard 5) all of which promote the principle that staff should receive quality supervision that provides opportunities for challenge and reflective learning; this will enable them to sustain standards of professionalism, competence, credibility and currency.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 05 March 2025 10:00 - 13:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
2 01 April 2025 13:00 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0085 Bitesize Workshop: Safeguarding children who do not live at home (Private Fostering)

This 45-minute bitesize session has been designed to support practitioners in learning more about private fostering and their obligations.

This session is recommended for all practitioners working with children and young people across all agencies to understand their responsibilities and who to contact in South Gloucestershire to seek help and guidance.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 06 March 2025 12:00 - 12:45 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0187 MARAC - New Bitesize Training


This short workshop commissioned jointly by the South Gloucestershire Children’s Partnership and Safeguarding Adults Board will help you to understand how Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARAC) work in South Gloucestershire, and give you confidence in knowing how and when to refer to MARAC. It aims to give an update about the roles of everyone involved. It is free to attend by anyone who works with children or adults in South Gloucestershire

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 06 March 2025 12:00 - 12:45 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/25/0024 Reablement - Maximising Independence and Wellbeing (AM)

Reablement - Maximising Independence and Wellbeing

This half-day training workshop is for adult social care staff who are involved in commissioning reablement for adults. The session will provide an opportunity to develop and refresh your understanding of how reablement fits within the wider context of adult social care as a key intervention to: promote independence, wellbeing and positive outcomes for adults and reduce the need for long term care and support. Writing effective ‘Conversation 2 Reablement Plans’ will be a key focus during the training.

Before you attend the session:

  • Watch the following video regarding reablement - click here
  • have a look at some of the information about reablement on the SCIE website Click Here
  • and watch some of their videos including this one Click Here - video

The training workshop will be participatory and delivered virtually using MS Teams -9.15am log on for 9.30am start – 12.45pm close

Please note that by booking this course you are giving permission for your email address to be sent to the trainer.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 06 March 2025 09:15 - 12:45 Microsoft TEAMS Map