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163 events found

Code: SGC/25/0072 Raising Safeguarding Concerns - Adults (AM) (EVENT FULL)

The multi-agency South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board oversees the Joint Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Adults in this area. It is essential that a wide range of staff working in local authority, health and social care agencies are fully aware of the key issues in safeguarding vulnerable adults and of how the policy affects them in their front-line roles. The half-day Raising Safeguarding Concerns course is essential training for all front-line staff and managers who are involved in providing services to adults at risk and who work directly with service users. The course content is mapped to the learning outcomes in the local Safeguarding Adults Training Standards (published Dec 2017) as well as to relevant national occupational standards including the Care Certificate (Standard 10). Course attendance is monitored by the Safeguarding Adults Board. The standard charge for this course is £49. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.

We are restricting numbers from each organisation to 4 individuals per course.

If you organisation require a large number of individuals to complete this course, then it maybe possible for in house training to be organised.
Please contact with your requirements.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 25 February 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0078 Raising Safeguarding Concerns - Adults (PM) (EVENT FULL)

The multi-agency South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board oversees the Joint Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Adults in this area. It is essential that a wide range of staff working in local authority, health and social care agencies are fully aware of the key issues in safeguarding vulnerable adults and of how the policy affects them in their front-line roles. The half-day Raising Safeguarding Concerns course is essential training for all front-line staff and managers who are involved in providing services to adults at risk and who work directly with service users. The course content is mapped to the learning outcomes in the local Safeguarding Adults Training Standards (published Dec 2017) as well as to relevant national occupational standards including the Care Certificate (Standard 10). Course attendance is monitored by the Safeguarding Adults Board. The standard charge for this course is £49. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.

We are restricting numbers from each organisation to 4 individuals per course.

If you organisation require a large number of individuals to complete this course, then it maybe possible for in house training to be organised.
Please contact with your requirements.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 25 February 2025 13:00 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0040 E-Safety for Foster Carers, Adopters and Special Guardians

Felix Lester, who is the Cyber Protect Officer in Avon and Somerset Police, is going to come and deliver a presentation that will give an outline about apps, the risks, highlighting online offences and how they’re committed and providing advice and signposts to further support.

Proposed Content:
• Overview of online risks.
• Exploitation of children online.
• Technical protective and safety measures available.
• Top tips on starting a conversation with your child about the internet and how to work together to use the internet safely.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 February 2025 19:00 - 20:30 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0106 FCSG: Support Group for carers caring for children with additional needs.

The Purpose for these Support Groups: 

6pm-6.30pm Share The Care discussion group with Jakie Dyer *ONLY FOR SHARE THE CARE CARERS*

6.30pm-8pm *OPEN TO ALL Carers* - 'Chronic Sorrow' presented by Jakie Dyer 

We realise that fostering can be really difficult at times. Perhaps the only people who really understand it are other foster carers and so therefore we want to give you a place to meet up.

Although these will be informal meetings, each session will have a brief agenda, attendance list, and agreed group rules. This is to help those who don’t know anyone and feel awkward about coming along to a new meeting, to feel that they won’t be left alone on the side-lines.

These sessions should be recorded on your Personal Development Plan (PDP).

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 February 2025 18:00 - 20:00 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0158 Introduction to Mockingbird training: for new and existing staff in social care teams who would like to learn more about Mockingbird

Mockingbird has launched within the Fostering Service, here at South Glos. The Fostering Network are running ‘Introduction to Mockingbird’ sessions online.
All sessions are delivered by our experienced Mockingbird coaches and provide a great opportunity for attendees to learn all about Mockingbird and ask any questions they may have.
What does the session cover?
What is Mockingbird?
• The key fidelity of the model
• Key roles and responsibilities
• Impact of Mockingbird

Who can attend?
Introduction to Mockingbird sessions are available to services that are currently working with The Fostering Network to deliver Mockingbird and are open to both new and existing social workers and staff across children's services. Please feel free to extend the invitation to staff working in residential, adoption, SGOs as well as your managers, senior leaders, panel members and IROs etc. Essentially these sessions are open to any staff in your service who you feel will benefit from learning more about Mockingbird.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 February 2025 09:30 - 10:30 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0045 Moving and Handling annual update for ASC SGC OTs only (EVENT FULL)

The course programme follows a set syllabus and includes topics such as:

 - Apply an ergonomics systems approach to safer handling

- To understand the need for evidence based practice

- Be able to select and evaluate a range of current handling manoeuvres

- Be able to select and evaluate a range of mechanical and small handling aids that are presently available

- Will recognise unacceptable/controversial handling techniques

- To feel competent and confident to assist others to problem solve manual handling scenarios.

- assessment of single handed care using equipment. 

Mandatory training course for OTs to comply with Health & Safety at Work Act legislation and meet RCOT code of ethics

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 February 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Acorn Health & Safety Ltd Map

Code: SGC/25/0062 Social Care Learning and Development Welcome Session (SGC Staff Only) (Cancelled)

This introduction to Learning & Development, which follows on from the Council Induction session, is a valuable part of the new starter's induction programme for all practitioners in Adults and Childrens Social Care. We focus on how Learning and Development can support you in your new role as well as progress your career at South Gloucestershire Council. The Children, Families and Adults we work with, need us to be the best we can be.... and that starts with our Continuous Professional Development (CPD).

Please note - if you are an existing member of staff, have not previously attended a council induction or the L&D welcome session, and think this session would be of benefit to you, you can request a place on this induction.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 February 2025 13:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0065 Welcome to South Glos Council – where you can make a difference (SGC Staff Only)

As a new employee of the council, it’s important that you get an understanding of how the council works, how your role contributes to the overall council plan, how decisions are made, what is expected of you and what you can expect from us.

This face-to-face induction offers a welcoming and interactive experience and includes a welcome from the Chief Executive or one of his Executive Directors, an overview of the council and it’s services with a guided tour (accessible version available), and the opportunity to meet other new starters.

Social Care staff must also book the afternoon Social Care Learning & Development Welcome session (Click here to book)where you will find out more about the learning and development and career progression offer available to you.

Please note - if you are an existing member of staff, have not previously attended a council induction, and think it would be of benefit to you, you can request a place on this induction.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 February 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0096 Assertiveness Training (SGC staff only) (EVENT FULL)

At certain times, most people find it difficult to communicate honestly, directly and openly with other people. This course will help you to understand different ways of relating to other people, how to identify assertive, passive and aggressive communication and how you can communicate more positively with others. Assertiveness involves being clear about what you feel, what you need and how it can be achieved. It allows you to engage respectfully with other people, whilst also respecting your own needs and ensures that you don't feel taken advantage of through setting appropriate professional and personal boundaries.

In this course we will look at rights and responsibilities in communication, communications styles, motivation and intent in communication and the impact of assertive and non-assertive behaviour. It will give you an opportunity to think about how you relate to others and changes you can make to communicate clearly and assertively.

Please ensure that you have completed the Assertiveness Skills e-module before attending this course.

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 333 267 102 038
Passcode: WkdgLb

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 27 February 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0143 Identifying Young Carers: Our Responsibilities and Duties. (For staff in ASC and CSC and PS)

This session is aimed at both Adult and Childrens Social Care.  It is about making everyone aware of Young Carers, in particular the Young Carers Protocol, and trying to ensure that they do not remain hidden, but are made visible and receive the help and support that they require and are entitled to.  This session is led by three very experienced trainers;

Kay, one of our young ambassadors who was and still is a carer to two family members,
Joss, who is the Young Carers Service manager for the Carers Support Centre
Kathryn, a social worker in our Connected Care Team, who carers deeply about raising awareness around young carers.

They have put together a session that looks at:

  • Myth Busting
  • Young Carers Protocol
  • Young carers - who are they?
  • Young carers roles
  • The positive and negative impact on young carers/parents
  • What is 'No Wrong Doors' and why it is needed
  • Identifying hidden young carers
  • What caring tasks are inappropriate or excessive
  • Assessment, guidance and monitoring
  • Support for young carers
  • Young Carers Charter
All documents and resources relating to Young Carers can be accessed through this link:  Young Carers Resources

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 27 February 2025 13:30 - 16:30 Badminton Road G12 Map