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Code: SGC/24/0609 Reflective Supervision (internal Adult Social Care staff only)

PLEASE NOTE: This course is for internal Adult Social Care staff only.

Reflective Practice in Supervision. A two workshop programme for supervisors.

This programme is for Senior Practitioner OT’s and Social Workers and Managers who provide supervision. It will support you in your Supervisor role whether you are a new or experienced Senior Practitioner or manager.

Aim of the Programme and context

Research and practice demonstrate that Social Workers and Occupational Therapists must have access to regular, good quality supervision; it is an importance element to achieving effective practice, providing advice and support as well as promoting professional resilience and wellbeing. Regular supervision is essential to achieve a high-quality service (DoH 2015, BASW 2013, COT 2015) and this is endorsed and supported by the relevant professional bodies and managers in the Department for People. (South Gloucestershire Supervision in Adult Social Care Policy 2021).

This duet of workshops has been developed for supervisors who want to revisit and develop their skills, knowledge and application of reflective supervision as an effective means to meet organisational, professional and individual objectives.

The course consists of two half-day workshops held in person over a two-month period to give participants an opportunity to apply their learning. The workshops will be for a closed group of twelve people, the group size maximising the opportunity to participate; each workshop combines inputs from the facilitator with interactive exercises that promote reflection and application using examples of supervision practice provided by the learning group.

To make the most of this learning opportunity, participants will be expected to read the agency policy prior to the first workshop and between workshops complete short tasks to encourage the application of ideas and theory to their current supervisory experiences. Participants will be provided with material electronically, after each workshop to complement and reinforce messages from the sessions.

Course content is informed by the Knowledge and Skills Statement for Practice Supervisors (DOE 2015), Post-qualifying Standards for Social Work Practice supervisors in Adult Social Care(DHSC 2018) the Professional Capabilities Framework (SWRB2012), Employer Standards (particularly Standard 5) all of which promote the principle that staff should receive quality supervision that provides opportunities for challenge and reflective learning; this will enable them to sustain standards of professionalism, competence, credibility and currency.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 29 January 2025 13:00 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
2 04 March 2025 13:00 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0552 Women in Leadership (Winter) (EVENT FULL)

This inspiring and engaging three day programme is for existing female managers who wish to progress in their careers and aspiring managers and leaders. We have created the content so women at all stages of their careers can benefit from it.

The programme seeks to address the under representation of women in management roles and is designed to build confidence, informal networks and develop our collective understanding of women as future leaders in their lives, team and workplace.

This three day programme will provide participants with an opportunity to focus on personal and professional goals and give ongoing support to achieve them. The workshops are designed to be engaging, fun and interactive, as well as impactful and thought provoking.

Participants will consider themes such as self-awareness, self – leadership, personal impact and influence, and how the actions the take can help them flourish in careers and gain greater job and life satisfaction. It will contain a mixture of discussions, self reflection and self-stud. There will be essential pre-course work, networking and homework tasks in between sessions.

Please note: This is a women only programme,

This course is free to South Gloucestershire Council staff. For all external delegates there is a charge of £368.

You will embark on 100 days of change and at the end of the programme create a 12 month plan.

Day 1: The FREEDOM Method – This day is about self-leadership and personal development. The stages are - find out about yourself, review where you are now, experience and learn, explore possibilities, decide, overcome obstacles and make it happen, you will also begin 100 days of change.

Day 2: Personal impact and influence – leadership, generating presence, influence and persuasion, assertiveness and negotiation, personal networks and goal review

Day 3: Inspirational women and leadership – review of progress and achievement – inspirational women – leadership styles - mentoring – career advancement - goal setting for 12 months.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 30 January 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
2 31 January 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
3 08 May 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0644 Coaching and mentoring group supervision (morning session)

These sessions are for members of the South Gloucestershire Council Coaching and Mentoring Service and is open to external coaches.

We ask that all members attend two sessions of group supervision per year. Please see full details below for more information.

Full details:

What is coaching supervision?

Coaching supervision is the practice of reflecting upon your work as a coach, usually with a trained supervisor in either a 1:1 or group basis. It is often emphasised as ‘SUPER-vision' providing you with an enhanced ability to see your work from multiple perspectives. If not viewed like this coach supervision could be misconstrued as a more managerial practice by someone with more power than yourself 'checking' that you are 'doing it right'. Far from this, the relationship is more of one of equals, where the supervisor and coach (supervisee) sit 'side by side' in a safe, non-judgemental space getting curious about the your work as a coach. Through this process you gain insight into yourself, the client and the work you do together. Regular coaching supervision will enable the coach to explore these areas and in doing so improve their coaching effectiveness and ensure best value for coachees. Coaching supervision is an essential part of a coach’s ongoing learning and development.

It is free for internal coaches and we will charge external coaches £100 per session or £300 for four.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 February 2025 10:00 - 12:00 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0096 Assertiveness Training (SGC staff only) (EVENT FULL)

At certain times, most people find it difficult to communicate honestly, directly and openly with other people. This course will help you to understand different ways of relating to other people, how to identify assertive, passive and aggressive communication and how you can communicate more positively with others. Assertiveness involves being clear about what you feel, what you need and how it can be achieved. It allows you to engage respectfully with other people, whilst also respecting your own needs and ensures that you don't feel taken advantage of through setting appropriate professional and personal boundaries.

In this course we will look at rights and responsibilities in communication, communications styles, motivation and intent in communication and the impact of assertive and non-assertive behaviour. It will give you an opportunity to think about how you relate to others and changes you can make to communicate clearly and assertively.

Please ensure that you have completed the Assertiveness Skills e-module before attending this course.

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 333 267 102 038
Passcode: WkdgLb

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 27 February 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/24/0610 Reflective Supervision (internal Adult Social Care staff only)

PLEASE NOTE: This course is for internal Adult Social Care staff only.

Reflective Practice in Supervision. A two workshop programme for supervisors.

This programme is for Senior Practitioner OT’s and Social Workers and Managers who provide supervision. It will support you in your Supervisor role whether you are a new or experienced Senior Practitioner or manager.

Aim of the Programme and context

Research and practice demonstrate that Social Workers and Occupational Therapists must have access to regular, good quality supervision; it is an importance element to achieving effective practice, providing advice and support as well as promoting professional resilience and wellbeing. Regular supervision is essential to achieve a high-quality service (DoH 2015, BASW 2013, COT 2015) and this is endorsed and supported by the relevant professional bodies and managers in the Department for People. (South Gloucestershire Supervision in Adult Social Care Policy 2021).

This duet of workshops has been developed for supervisors who want to revisit and develop their skills, knowledge and application of reflective supervision as an effective means to meet organisational, professional and individual objectives.

The course consists of two half-day workshops held in person over a two-month period to give participants an opportunity to apply their learning. The workshops will be for a closed group of twelve people, the group size maximising the opportunity to participate; each workshop combines inputs from the facilitator with interactive exercises that promote reflection and application using examples of supervision practice provided by the learning group.

To make the most of this learning opportunity, participants will be expected to read the agency policy prior to the first workshop and between workshops complete short tasks to encourage the application of ideas and theory to their current supervisory experiences. Participants will be provided with material electronically, after each workshop to complement and reinforce messages from the sessions.

Course content is informed by the Knowledge and Skills Statement for Practice Supervisors (DOE 2015), Post-qualifying Standards for Social Work Practice supervisors in Adult Social Care(DHSC 2018) the Professional Capabilities Framework (SWRB2012), Employer Standards (particularly Standard 5) all of which promote the principle that staff should receive quality supervision that provides opportunities for challenge and reflective learning; this will enable them to sustain standards of professionalism, competence, credibility and currency.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 05 March 2025 10:00 - 13:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
2 01 April 2025 13:00 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0093 Advanced Coaching Skills (Cancelled)

This interactive course is delivered by experienced and qualified coaches and will give participants a solid foundation in coaching skills, standards and expectations which are relevant to coaches and people who mentor or manage others in their work.

The days include coaching skills, coaching and mentoring competencies and the global code of ethics, using models in your coaching and mentoring practice, different tools and techniques to enhance conversations, advanced listening skills, contracting and evaluation.

This course is free to South Gloucestershire Council staff. For all external delegates there is a charge of £103.50.

Coaching is a valuable skill in empowering people to problem solve, think more deeply and creatively and achieve their goals. We have developed this course so there will be plenty of opportunities to practice and gain feedback on skills and to try different approaches to build your confidence as coaches, mentors and managers.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 March 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0115 Coaching and mentoring group supervision (morning session)

These sessions are for members of the South Gloucestershire Council Coaching and Mentoring Service and is open to external coaches.

We ask that all members attend two sessions of group supervision per year. Please see full details below for more information.

Full details:

What is coaching supervision?

Coaching supervision is the practice of reflecting upon your work as a coach, usually with a trained supervisor in either a 1:1 or group basis. It is often emphasised as ‘SUPER-vision' providing you with an enhanced ability to see your work from multiple perspectives. If not viewed like this coach supervision could be misconstrued as a more managerial practice by someone with more power than yourself 'checking' that you are 'doing it right'. Far from this, the relationship is more of one of equals, where the supervisor and coach (supervisee) sit 'side by side' in a safe, non-judgemental space getting curious about the your work as a coach. Through this process you gain insight into yourself, the client and the work you do together. Regular coaching supervision will enable the coach to explore these areas and in doing so improve their coaching effectiveness and ensure best value for coachees. Coaching supervision is an essential part of a coach’s ongoing learning and development.

It is free for internal coaches and we will charge external coaches £100 per session or £300 for four.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 24 April 2025 10:00 - 12:00 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0088 Women in Leadership (Spring 2025) (EVENT FULL)

This inspiring and engaging three day programme is for existing female managers who wish to progress in their careers and aspiring managers and leaders. We have created the content so women at all stages of their careers can benefit from it.

The programme seeks to address the under representation of women in management roles and is designed to build confidence, informal networks and develop our collective understanding of women as future leaders in their lives, team and workplace.

This three day programme will provide participants with an opportunity to focus on personal and professional goals and give ongoing support to achieve them. The workshops are designed to be engaging, fun and interactive, as well as impactful and thought provoking.

Participants will consider themes such as self-awareness, self – leadership, personal impact and influence, and how the actions the take can help them flourish in careers and gain greater job and life satisfaction. It will contain a mixture of discussions, self reflection and self-stud. There will be essential pre-course work, networking and homework tasks in between sessions.

Please note: This is a women only programme,

This course is free to South Gloucestershire Council staff. For all external delegates there is a charge of £368.

You will embark on 100 days of change and at the end of the programme create a 12 month plan.

Day 1: The FREEDOM Method – This day is about self-leadership and personal development. The stages are - find out about yourself, review where you are now, experience and learn, explore possibilities, decide, overcome obstacles and make it happen, you will also begin 100 days of change.

Day 2: Personal impact and influence – leadership, generating presence, influence and persuasion, assertiveness and negotiation, personal networks and goal review

Day 3: Inspirational women and leadership – review of progress and achievement – inspirational women – leadership styles - mentoring – career advancement - goal setting for 12 months.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 29 April 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
2 30 April 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
3 09 September 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0095 Assertiveness Training (SGC staff only)

At certain times, most people find it difficult to communicate honestly, directly and openly with other people. This course will help you to understand different ways of relating to other people, how to identify assertive, passive and aggressive communication and how you can communicate more positively with others. Assertiveness involves being clear about what you feel, what you need and how it can be achieved. It allows you to engage respectfully with other people, whilst also respecting your own needs and ensures that you don't feel taken advantage of through setting appropriate professional and personal boundaries.

In this course we will look at rights and responsibilities in communication, communications styles, motivation and intent in communication and the impact of assertive and non-assertive behaviour. It will give you an opportunity to think about how you relate to others and changes you can make to communicate clearly and assertively.

Please ensure that you have completed the Assertiveness Skills e-module before attending this course.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 June 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map