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86 events found

Code: SGC/24/0549 Bitesize awareness training on Reducing Parental Conflict

Relationships Matter

Conflict in relationships is part of everyday life, evidence suggests that conflict between parents is normal, but if exposure is frequent, intense, and poorly resolved, this can have a damaging impact on children, resulting in long-term mental health issues, emotional, behavioural, and academic problems as they grow up.

Children of all ages can be affected by destructive interparental conflict.

The Reducing Parental Conflict awareness workshop is suitable for those supporting children and their families especially those working within children’s social care, early help, health, education, and the voluntary sector.

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 327 627 039 594
Passcode: AiXrv2

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 14 August 2024 09:30 - 11:00 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/24/0564 Basic Clinical Skills - New (EVENT FULL)

Manual Handling Room 3 -  Learning and Development building,Southmead Hospital

This workshop is aimed at adult social care staff in South Gloucestershire, working in domiciliary, residential and day care services (statutory sector AND IVP sector agencies)

The course includes trainer presentation, discussion, and a short multiple-choice assessment at the end to check the information has been retained by participants.

Relevant handouts/paperwork will be provided by the facilitator Alfred Puerta Casadevall and the Clinical Skills Team in North Bristol Trust.

Please note this training is held at Southmead Hospital (Learning & Research building in the Science Quarter).

This course is £103.50 to external delegates

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 02 September 2024 09:00 - 14:00 Southmead Hospital Learning & Research Building Map

Code: SGC/24/0215 Administration of Medication (EVENT FULL)

Clinical Skills Lab, Learning and Research Building , Southmead Hospital

This half day course follows CQC requirements on the administration of medication. It includes trainer presentation, discussion, and a short multiple-choice assessment at the end to check the information has been retained by participants. Relevant handouts/paperwork will be provided. This course is aimed at any adult social care staff in South Gloucestershire, working in domiciliary, residential and day care services (statutory sector AND IVP sector agencies).

This session is £49 for non SGC staff

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 05 September 2024 09:00 - 12:00 Southmead Hospital Learning & Research Building Map

Code: SGC/24/0528 Race Awareness for Managers, Senior Practitioners and Senior Social workers only

This course is for Managers, Senior Practitioners and Senior Social workers only

Those attending must have already completed the Race Awareness course beforehand.

  • Safe Space – to Share Current challenges
  • How to handle reports of Racism from employees?
  • Empathetic Listening skills
  • Radical Listening Skills
  • How to avoid Gas lighting
  • Pathways to support Internally
  • Empowering line managers to take action using their autonomy
  • Increased knowledge around internal Policies
  • Increased Knowledge of External Support
  • Understand what Self-Care is and its importance
  • Managing allegations
  • Allyship and Role Model Behaviour
  • How to identify and manage racism within the team and in social care workers practice
  • Encouraging managers to integrate race equality into their agenda at their team meetings

All staff will be offered support where needed by the trainer and the organisation

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 09 September 2024 10:00 - 13:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0185 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Essentials for Care Workers (EVENT FULL)

Please note if you are a Social Worker you should book onto the Professional version of this course.

This training course provides Care Workers with the essential skills and knowledge to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 when carrying out their role.

The MCA applies to every health and social care worker who is involved in the care, treatment or support of people who are unable to make all or some decisions themselves. Care Quality Commission Inspectors are increasingly asking care workers to explain their responsibilities under the MCA.

The MCA provides legal protection from liability for carrying out care and treatment of people who lack capacity to consent, provided that care workers:

• Understand the principles of the MCA
• Have carried out a capacity assessment and reasonably believe that the person lacks capacity.
• Reasonably believe the action they have taken is in the best interests of the person.

Learning Outcome
1. Understand what mental capacity is and what might affect the mental capacity of the people you work with
2. Be able to identify the decisions you are responsible for in your workplace
3. Be able to apply the MCA principles to the decisions you are responsible for
4. Be able to carry out an assessment of capacity
5. Be able to act and decide in the person’s best interests where they lack capacity for a particular decision.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 10 September 2024 09:30 - 12:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0264 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) Training Programme - Mod 4: Planning Ahead (EVENT FULL)

If you are South Gloucestershire Council staff, you will need to fill out this form if you have not already obtained a Zoom licence. Licences can take up to an hour after being requested, zoom can be accessed via the web browser if you have not been able to request your license in time. Please check that you can access Zoom prior to the event.

Please note you have to do this training programme in order.

For SGC staff only:
Additional learning resources here: Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty (Sway resource)
Request to shadow a MCA assessment here: Peer Shadowing Network Yammer Group

South Gloucestershire Council has launched a new interactive training programme that gives Health and Social Care Workers the skills, knowledge, confidence and practice to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The programme is made up of interactive learning workshops. The new skills and knowledge gained from the workshops are then applied in the workplace.

The programme is designed for Care Provider managers, Social Worker and Occupational Therapy staff and managers, nurses and all other professionals working in health and social care.

The standard charge for this course is £49. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 11 September 2024 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/24/0338 CHC Training (SGC Adult Care Managers/Practitioners only)


National Framework for CHC – July 2022

Decision Support Tool – July 2022

Recommend reading the MS Word version entitled NHS continuing healthcare decision support tool guidance (with referral form) which is the third one down the list.


Checklist – July 2022

Recommend reading the MS Word version entitled NHS continuing healthcare checklist guidance (with referral form) which is the third one down the list.

The e-learning training is on the NHS e-learning website and can be accessed by anybody with an NHS or email address. It is split into a number of modules, each of which would take about two hours to complete.

Course Details:
  • Introduction, Aims & Continuing Healthcare Quiz
  • Previous updates to the 2018 Framework and new updates to the 2022 Framework
  • Definition - Back to basics
  • Principles & well managed needs
  • Brief overview of the interaction between hospital discharge and CHC
  • Understanding the Checklist
  • Eligibility criteria (inc. legal background & boundary between health and social care)
  • Primary Health Need / Key Characteristics
  • Quality assessments, accurate DSTs and compliant MDTs
  • Detailed evidencing for a robust rationale
Delivered by Beacon - who provide independent, expert representation for individuals and families at any stage of the NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment, resolution and care planning processes. We have an 18-year history of providing specialist CHC support services to individuals and the NHS.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 17 September 2024 09:30 - 16:00 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/24/0285 Managing Challenging Conversations & Conflict Training (Children's & Adults Social Care)

To improve professional confidence of social care practitioners in Managing Challenging Conversations & Conflict Training to assist in successfully employing professional curiosity in a social care context.

Charges apply for non-South Glos Council staff
Cost: £103.50

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 17 September 2024 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0275 Legal Literacy & Defensible Decision-Making

By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer. This is so they can send the invitation, and any further resources, to you.

Please join the meeting prior to the 9.30 start, so you have time to check that the technology is working.

This workshop is for South Gloucestershire Council Adult Care practitioners ONLY.

The session will explore the importance of legally literacy and defensible decision-making in effective practice. Included will be a focus on:

• defining and developing an understanding of what is meant by both terms, from both a theoretical perspective and from your experience/practice
• ways to continue to develop your knowledge of the legal framework and how to ensure that it underpins your practice
• professional accountability and the importance of accurate analysis, free from bias, to inform your professional opinions and defensible decisions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 18 September 2024 09:30 - 16:30 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/24/0395 Race Awareness (PM) SGC - ASC & ICS staff only (EVENT FULL)

Please see attached pre-coursework details which must be completed prior to the training session

We have received feedback from the trainers saying that delegates were unable to do the pre learning as the links didn’t work. Numerous testing by EDP, ourselves and the fact that many other colleagues have had no issues, leads us to conclude that the links are all fine.

However, if you are having difficulty accessing these, please let us know well before the course.
  • Increase understanding around race, racism and systemic racism as well as how it manifests in relation to social care specifically
  • Exploring disparities from statistics that have been caused by systemic racism specific to social care and other core English institutions
  • Understanding our own unconscious bias and social conditioning to help us better challenge ourselves, our thoughts and our beliefs
  • A deep dive into white privilege, power & advantage
  • Cultural awareness and how being aware of cultural norms can help us be more culturally competent when supporting people
  • Learning what microaggression are and what we can do to mitigate against them and how to support somebody who has experienced a microaggression
  • Exploring Language the nuances and connotations associated with some outdated terms
  • How to be an anti-racism ally and what this means as an individual, team and organisation

After you have attended the session make your Anti Racism pledge here and course evaluation here

All staff will be offered support where needed by the trainer and the organisation

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 18 September 2024 13:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map