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Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to development that leaves biodiversity in a better state than it was before.
It will become a legal requirement for all developments (unless exempt) to achieve a 10% biodiversity net gain from November 2023 onwards.
This is part of the government’s response to the climate and nature emergency.
During March the council published its Biodiversity and Planning SPD ( giving practical advice and guidance on the steps the council expects developers to take to ensure new development achieves the council’s objectives for supporting nature recovery.
This webinar is intended to help colleagues across the council in understanding what BNG means for them, their work and how they can start preparing. The webinar will also explain the council’s approach, during this transitional period, until BNG become mandatory.
Thursday 27th April:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 399 812 811 857
Passcode: LP9boL
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 13:00 - 14:00 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
This course is for registered Childminders considering working with others such as assistants and co minders.
This course will run virtually with 2 sessions that will both need attending to gain full understanding of content. The sessions will include types of people you can work with, supervision & staff CPD and recruitment processes.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 19:00 - 20:30 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
2 | 18 May 2023 | 19:00 - 20:30 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
These sessions are for members of the South Gloucestershire Council Coaching and Mentoring Service and is open to external coaches
We ask that all members attend two sessions of group supervision per year. Please see full details below for more information.
Full details:
What is coaching supervision?
Coaching supervision is the practice of reflecting upon your work as a coach, usually with a trained supervisor in either a 1:1 or group basis. It is often emphasised as ‘SUPER-vision' providing you with an enhanced ability to see your work from multiple perspectives. If not viewed like this coach supervision could be misconstrued as a more managerial practice by someone with more power than yourself 'checking' that you are 'doing it right'. Far from this, the relationship is more of one of equals, where the supervisor and coach (supervisee) sit 'side by side' in a safe, non-judgemental space getting curious about the your work as a coach. Through this process you gain insight into yourself, the client and the work you do together. Regular coaching supervision will enable the coach to explore these areas and in doing so improve their coaching effectiveness and ensure best value for coachees. Coaching supervision is an essential part of a coach’s ongoing learning and development.
It is free for internal coaches and we will charge external coaches £100 per session or £300 for four.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 14:00 - 16:00 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
Exploitation happens when someone has power and control over another person. They take advantage of another person’s vulnerability to make money, improve their status or gain control. In order to gain control and power they will groom the victim. The way they do this is by befriending them. This could be by buying them gifts or by giving them money, alcohol or drugs. They could also make them feel special and give them a group to belong to. Perpetrators will target a person’s vulnerability, whether they are children or adults, and will try to isolate the victim to make them depend on the perpetrator.
Adult Exploitation is an extremely important issue for anyone working with vulnerable adults. Exploitation can effect a wide range of people in very many different ways. It is an issue that needs to be understood by professionals so they know who might be more vulnerable to being exploited, what to look out for when they are working with vulnerable people and what to do if they are concerned that someone they are working with may be a victim of exploitation.
It can sometimes be really hard for a victim to know and understand that they are a victim of exploitation, as the perpetrator could be regarded as a friend. It can be very hard for the victim to disclose that they are being abused as they are being controlled by the perpetrator and they rely on them for help and support. If professionals are aware of the warning signs and risk indicators then they may be able to see the signs before the victim is aware of what may be happening. It is important to flag up early signs of exploitation so that a multi-agency approach can be put into place. This would include police who could then try and spot any criminal offences being carried out by the perpetrator and the possibility of any emerging patterns such as organised crime and exploitation rings.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 09:30 - 16:00 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
This network is for all Subject Leaders in South Gloucestershire Primary Schools.
This one-part course will explore the EYFS, delving into high-quality practice and provision in supporting all seven areas of learning.
Subject leaders will be able to make links with their subjects and develop their knowledge around the types of provision and experiences children will have in EYFS that will develop their foundational knowledge and skills.
There will be opportunity to look in greater depth at your subject and to question and discuss in small groups.
Subject leaders will increase their understanding of what to look for in an EYFS class and what effective provision is like in practice.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 13:30 - 15:30 | Early Years Training Room - Parkwall Primary | Map |
Luke Lyons from Avon Fire and Rescue will be talking about home fire safety and how to stay safe in the event of a fire.
Come along, listen and find out about your free visit and free available equipment - subject to meeting the criteria.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 10:00 - 11:00 | Webinar: Microsoft Teams | Map |
This training session is suitable for all practitioners working in Children’s Services. Please attend if you are new to South Gloucestershire Council or if you would like to refresh your knowledge around our response to missing children and child exploitation in South Gloucestershire.
Essential InformationSession | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 09:30 - 11:30 | Badminton Road G12 | Map |
Essential InformationSession | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 27 April 2023 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Bluebird Care | Map |