To be confirmed.
Essential InformationSession | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 01 April 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00 | The Vassalls Centre | Map |
Click here to join training
Learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews (CSPR) and Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR)
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 02 April 2025 | 10:00 - 12:30 | Webinar: Microsoft Teams | Map |
This session is designed for workers who need to: Know about the introduction of the Signs of Safety framework in the council and partner agencies, and understand the basic concepts of Signs of Safety to assist them in their job role. This 3-hour session is relevant to employees who: - will not be using the Signs of Safety approach directly with families, but will see it in practice and need to understand its simplest form - need an introduction to the approach before they go on to do more specific role-relevant training. These half-day workshops are provided at no charge to South Glos Children’s Partnership partner agencies. As with all the local inter-agency courses though, a 'no show' on the day will result in a £30 per person 'penalty' fee to the agency.
Essential InformationSession | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 02 April 2025 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
The sessions will explore how these communication skills will have a positive impact on day to day life, and also help us to respond in a helpful way during the tougher moments and in difficult situations..
Adolescence is a time of huge change for our young people, and for us. The session will offer some insight into what can help us stay well in the short and long term, and also help our young people to build the skills they need to stay safe and be healthy as they grow into adulthood.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 03 April 2025 | 09:45 - 14:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
This introduction to Learning & Development, which follows on from the Council Induction session, is a valuable part of the new starter's induction programme for all practitioners in Adults and Childrens Social Care. We focus on how Learning and Development can support you in your new role as well as progress your career at South Gloucestershire Council. The Children, Families and Adults we work with, need us to be the best we can be.... and that starts with our Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
Please note - if you are an existing member of staff, have not previously attended a council induction or the L&D welcome session, and think this session would be of benefit to you, you can request a place on this induction.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 03 April 2025 | 13:30 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
As a new employee of the council, it’s important that you get an understanding of how the council works, how your role contributes to the overall council plan, how decisions are made, what is expected of you and what you can expect from us.
This face-to-face induction offers a welcoming and interactive experience and includes a welcome from the Chief Executive or one of his Executive Directors, an overview of the council and it’s services with a guided tour (accessible version available), and the opportunity to meet other new starters.
Social Care staff must also book the afternoon Social Care Learning & Development Welcome session (Click here to book)where you will find out more about the learning and development and career progression offer available to you.
Please note - if you are an existing member of staff, have not previously attended a council induction, and think it would be of benefit to you, you can request a place on this induction.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 03 April 2025 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
The aim of this blended course is to enable all managers recruit and retain staff effectively. Even if you have recruited in other organisation, it is important for you to attend, to learn best practice for South Gloucestershire Council. All hiring managers are expected to attend this course.
If you have recruited in other organisations you may also find this useful as a refresher or to find out the council approach.
The course will familiarise you with the council’s recruitment guide and you will explore essential and additional criteria for posts, options regarding advert content and where adverts are placed, how to identify appropriate selection processes to use alongside the recruitment interview, shortlisting, preparing for interviews and other assessment tools, how to make fair and unbiased recruitment decisions, giving feedback and the steps you need to take to induct a new starter through to probation.
Please ensure that you have completed the Recruitment Onboarding and Induction e-module before attending this course.
Please log onto the Enable website and visit Learning > Available Learning. The Recruitment Onboarding and Induction e-learning is within the Management & Leadership section.
The day itself will consist of some group discussions and self reflection time to aid your learning. As this course covers South Gloucestershire processes it is for internal staff only.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 23 April 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
The WAYPOINT (Working Alongside Young People & Others In Networks Therapeutically) Team is part of the Fostering Service. WAYPOINT provide therapeutically informed support to children, families, foster carers, and professional networks. This support is additional to the support provided by your supervising social worker and children’s social workers.
The monthly WAYPOINT Drop-in sessions are facilitated by Dan Charnock, WAYPOINT Senior Social Worker and are open to all mainstream foster carers. The aim of the WAYPOINT Drop in is to provide a reflective and open space for foster carers to come along and discuss issues or concerns you may be facing. While each session includes a space to reflect on challenges, there is also a significant focus on sharing strategies and thinking about therapeutic approaches to difficult situations and celebrating successes.
You don’t have to be going through a difficult time to attend – peer support, learning and reflection is always valuable, and there is no pressure for anyone to share within the sessions. Topics for each session tend to arise on the day, ensuring the focus is relevant to the content brought to the drop in. However, there is also the option to agree a topic for a future session to enable a more in-depth focus. Discussion often includes topics such as attachment, trauma, and use of therapeutic approaches such as PACE and NVR, and ideas come not only from Dan but from within the group.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 23 April 2025 | 09:30 - 11:30 | Bradley Stoke Jubilee Centre | Map |
These sessions are for members of the South Gloucestershire Council Coaching and Mentoring Service and is open to external coaches.
We ask that all members attend two sessions of group supervision per year. Please see full details below for more information.
Full details:
What is coaching supervision?
Coaching supervision is the practice of reflecting upon your work as a coach, usually with a trained supervisor in either a 1:1 or group basis. It is often emphasised as ‘SUPER-vision' providing you with an enhanced ability to see your work from multiple perspectives. If not viewed like this coach supervision could be misconstrued as a more managerial practice by someone with more power than yourself 'checking' that you are 'doing it right'. Far from this, the relationship is more of one of equals, where the supervisor and coach (supervisee) sit 'side by side' in a safe, non-judgemental space getting curious about the your work as a coach. Through this process you gain insight into yourself, the client and the work you do together. Regular coaching supervision will enable the coach to explore these areas and in doing so improve their coaching effectiveness and ensure best value for coachees. Coaching supervision is an essential part of a coach’s ongoing learning and development.
It is free for internal coaches and we will charge external coaches £100 per session or £300 for four.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 April 2025 | 10:00 - 12:00 | Microsoft TEAMS | Map |
Luke Lyons from Avon Fire and Rescue will be talking about home fire safety and how to stay safe in the event of a fire.
Come along, listen and find out about your free visit and free available equipment - subject to meeting the criteria.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 April 2025 | 10:30 - 11:30 | Webinar: Microsoft Teams | Map |