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163 events found

Code: SGC/24/0644 Coaching and mentoring group supervision (morning session)

These sessions are for members of the South Gloucestershire Council Coaching and Mentoring Service and is open to external coaches.

We ask that all members attend two sessions of group supervision per year. Please see full details below for more information.

Full details:

What is coaching supervision?

Coaching supervision is the practice of reflecting upon your work as a coach, usually with a trained supervisor in either a 1:1 or group basis. It is often emphasised as ‘SUPER-vision' providing you with an enhanced ability to see your work from multiple perspectives. If not viewed like this coach supervision could be misconstrued as a more managerial practice by someone with more power than yourself 'checking' that you are 'doing it right'. Far from this, the relationship is more of one of equals, where the supervisor and coach (supervisee) sit 'side by side' in a safe, non-judgemental space getting curious about the your work as a coach. Through this process you gain insight into yourself, the client and the work you do together. Regular coaching supervision will enable the coach to explore these areas and in doing so improve their coaching effectiveness and ensure best value for coachees. Coaching supervision is an essential part of a coach’s ongoing learning and development.

It is free for internal coaches and we will charge external coaches £100 per session or £300 for four.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 February 2025 10:00 - 12:00 Microsoft TEAMS Map

Code: SGC/25/0094 Domestic Abuse Training

Please note that you must be able to attend both sessions in order to complete this training.

This course is deemed Mandatory by the Adult and Childrens Senior Leadership Team. The Learning and Development will be contacting the line managers of South Gloucestershire Council staff to ensure that your work time will be protected (i.e. that you will be deemed ‘unavailable’ to work that day and free of all distractions).

If you are unable to complete both sessions within the course you will be asked to complete both sessions at a future date – it will not be possible to attend your second session on another cohort.

This new 1.5-day training programme is for staff who work with adults, children, young people and families based within statutory and voluntary/independent sector organisations across South Gloucestershire.

The aim of the programme is to promote effective multi-agency working between professionals and organisations aligned to national/local legislation, policy, guidance and best practice. A key focus will therefore be person/child-centred practice that promotes positive outcomes for those who lives are affected by domestic abuse.

The first half-day session will be delivered virtually via MS Teams. This will provide an opportunity to refresh and develop your knowledge base including in relation to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and key learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews. The importance of trauma informed practice underpinned by professional curiosity will be explored.
Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.

Delegates must attend day 1 and undertake an individual research/reflective task before attending day 2 of this training.

The second session will be delivered in-person, with a primary focus on exploring, developing and embedding best practice within the landscape of effectively multi-agency/disciplinary working. A broad range of topics will be included, e.g. intersectionality, child-centred practice within a whole family approach, effective risk assessment/monitoring and safety planning, professional self-care.

Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.

The individual learning task, along with active participation in both sessions are integral to the completion of the programme.

If you are from an external organisation and fail to attend one of the sessions you will still be charged for both sessions.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 February 2025 09:30 - 14:00 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map
2 13 February 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0279 Direct Payments Training (SGC staff only)

IMPORTANT: To complete your registration for this session please complete the pre-course preparation outlined below.

By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer.

The meeting will open at 9.15am, so that you can join the meeting in time to check that the technology is working prior to a 9.30am prompt start.

Join the meeting
Meeting ID: 333 798 048 955
Passcode: PH7dG2wa

Pre-course preparation - please see attached

The session will focus on Direct payments and the legal framework. We will consider the benefits of a direct payment for adults, carers, professionals and the Local Authority as well as the challenges that may be experienced. Some guest speakers will be available to talk to you in small groups:
- A direct payment recipient will tell you about how it helps her to live a good life
- Steffan Lewis from the South Glos DP monitoring team who will be able to answer any questions you have about the process.
- A representative from one of the Support Providers will tell you about how they can offer bespoke support to an individual receiving a direct payment

Plus a video of one of your social work colleagues who will tell you why she thinks direct payments can promote an individual’s wellbeing.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 13 February 2025 09:30 - 13:00 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/24/0289 Hoarding and Self-Neglect

This one-day course provides delegates with information and guidance on the legal frameworks relevant to self-neglect, including hoarding. It is targeted at all health & social care professionals who work with people who self-neglect.

Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 397 147 793 385
Passcode: Sk9x7ph2

Piers McNeil is an independent social worker with 20 years’ experience in a range of adult social care fields, including: learning disability, physical disability, and older persons mental health. Piers is also a qualified DoLS Best Interests Assessor and was previously a Court of Protection visitor. He was also previously employed as a local authority MCA/safeguarding lead. Piers has led practice forums for Best Interests Assessors and has designed and delivered training to a range of audiences

The standard charge for this course is £103.50 per day. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 13 February 2025 09:30 - 16:00 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/25/0127 WAYPOINT Drop-in: Mainstream and short break foster carers

The WAYPOINT (Working Alongside Young People & Others In Networks Therapeutically) Team is part of the Fostering Service. WAYPOINT provide therapeutically informed support to children, families, foster carers, and professional networks. This support is additional to the support provided by your supervising social worker and children’s social workers.

The monthly WAYPOINT Drop-in sessions are facilitated by Dan Charnock, WAYPOINT Senior Social Worker and are open to all mainstream foster carers. The aim of the WAYPOINT Drop in is to provide a reflective and open space for foster carers to come along and discuss issues or concerns you may be facing. While each session includes a space to reflect on challenges, there is also a significant focus on sharing strategies and thinking about therapeutic approaches to difficult situations and celebrating successes.

You don’t have to be going through a difficult time to attend – peer support, learning and reflection is always valuable, and there is no pressure for anyone to share within the sessions. Topics for each session tend to arise on the day, ensuring the focus is relevant to the content brought to the drop in. However, there is also the option to agree a topic for a future session to enable a more in-depth focus. Discussion often includes topics such as attachment, trauma, and use of therapeutic approaches such as PACE and NVR, and ideas come not only from Dan but from within the group.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 13 February 2025 09:30 - 11:30 Patchway Community Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0273 Principles of Strength-based Practice

Please note: By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer. This is so they can send you any resources.

Please arrive promptly for a 9.30 start.

This training is specifically for practitioners in South Glos Council's adult social care division, i.e. Social Workers, Occupational Therapists, Social Work Assistants, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Senior Practitioners etc.

The session will explore how strength-based practice fits with professional values, the legal framework and the role of Adult Social Care in 2023. We will look at the theoretical basis for strengths-based approaches, current and past. Delegates will share examples of their current practice as well as exploring the use and benefits of strengths-based questions/interventions in assessment, care & support planning, review and adult safeguarding conversations with adults and carers to focus on wellbeing, outcomes and creative solutions to meet need.

Session Aim
To enable delegates to gain a consistent set of underpinning knowledge and to further develop skills and confidence in applying a strength-based approach in practice

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 17 February 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0091 Dementia Training Using Positive Approaches (EVENT FULL) (Cancelled)

This practical one-day course is designed for anyone who works in a social care setting and who interacts and communicates with people who have dementia.

You will consider what it is like to see the world from the side of the person with dementia, understand why it is important to adapt approaches, recognise unmet needs and respond to situations you may find challenging. We will discuss why it is important for a person with dementia to be active and occupied.

Course description

The day will provide participants with practical ways of approaching and interacting with a person with dementia. We will look at understanding how to approach individuals safely and consistently, as well as how to connect with the person in a way that meets their preferences and needs. We will consider methods of interacting that help to reduce distress. The course will enable participants to recognise the strengths of people who have dementia and will look at ways of using these strengths to help interact in a positive way.

The standard charge for this course is £103.50 per day. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 18 February 2025 09:30 - 15:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0030 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) for Children's Services

If you are a social worker in Adult Care then please book onto the Module 1 Professional version

This new training course provides children’s social workers with the essential skills and knowledge to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 when carrying out their role. Most of the MCA applies to those aged 16 and over, although some elements come into play at the age of 18. The principles of the MCA and the criteria for assessing a person’s capacity to make a specific decision may well be useful tools for those supporting children to make their own decisions and may also help staff to prepare children for significant decisions which may occur during the transition to adulthood.

The MCA applies to every health and social care worker who is involved in the care, treatment or support of people who are unable to make all or some decisions themselves. Care Quality Commission Inspectors are increasingly asking social care workers to explain their responsibilities under the MCA.

The MCA provides legal protection from liability for carrying out care and treatment of people who lack capacity to consent, provided that care workers:
• Understand the principles of the MCA
• Have carried out a capacity assessment and reasonably believe that the person lacks capacity.
• Reasonably believe the action they have taken is in the best interests of the person.

The standard charge for this course is £49. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.


Please check that you can access Zoom prior to the event. Licences can take up to an hour after being requested, zoom can be accessed via the web browser if you have not been able to request your license in time.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 18 February 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/25/0021 Mental Capacity Act (MCA) - Module 2: Complex Best Interest Decisions (EVENT FULL)

Please note you have to do this training programme in order.

Test your knowledge before you attend the training (SGC employees only)

For SGC staff only:
Additional learning resources here: Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty (Sway resource)
Request to shadow a MCA assessment here: Peer Shadowing Network Yammer Group

South Gloucestershire Council has launched a new interactive training programme that gives Health and Social Care Workers the skills, knowledge, confidence and practice to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The programme is made up of interactive learning workshops.
The programme is designed for Care Provider managers, Social Worker and Occupational Therapy staff and managers, nurses and all other professionals working in health and social care. You can select from a series of modules as relevant to your job which are listed below.

The standard charge for this course is £49. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 25 February 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0022 Professional Curiosity Workshop - 'The What?, Why?, & How?' (EVENT FULL)

This course is suitable for Social Care Practitioners in both Adult & Children’s Services

Professional Curiosity Workshop – 1 day - The ‘WHAT ?, WHY ?, & HOW ?’

The ability and confidence to demonstrate Professional Curiosity, Professional Courage, and Professional Challenge together are essential to success when working alone as a single agency professional or as a member of a multi-agency team when working to safeguard and protect.

This workshop provides an opportunity for delegates to work together in scenario-based development and application of knowledge and skills. Those attending will be encouraged to fully participate in work and discussions on an individual, class, and small group basis. Trainer led debriefing and facilitation will allow delegates to explore the ‘What, Why, & How’ of professional practice in this area.

Click here to access workbook and PowerPoint

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 25 February 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map