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221 events found

Code: SGC/25/0006 Exploitation of Adults

Exploitation happens when someone has power and control over another person. They take advantage of another person’s vulnerability to make money, improve their status or gain control. In order to gain control and power they will groom the victim. The way they do this is by befriending them. This could be by buying them gifts or by giving them money, alcohol or drugs. They could also make them feel special and give them a group to belong to. Perpetrators will target a person’s vulnerability, whether they are children or adults, and will try to isolate the victim to make them depend on the perpetrator.

Adult Exploitation is an extremely important issue for anyone working with vulnerable adults. Exploitation can effect a wide range of people in very many different ways. It is an issue that needs to be understood by professionals so they know who might be more vulnerable to being exploited, what to look out for when they are working with vulnerable people and what to do if they are concerned that someone they are working with may be a victim of exploitation.

It can sometimes be really hard for a victim to know and understand that they are a victim of exploitation, as the perpetrator could be regarded as a friend. It can be very hard for the victim to disclose that they are being abused as they are being controlled by the perpetrator and they rely on them for help and support. If professionals are aware of the warning signs and risk indicators then they may be able to see the signs before the victim is aware of what may be happening. It is important to flag up early signs of exploitation so that a multi-agency approach can be put into place. This would include police who could then try and spot any criminal offences being carried out by the perpetrator and the possibility of any emerging patterns such as organised crime and exploitation rings.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 11 March 2025 09:30 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0068 Manual Handling - Refresher South Glos OTA's only

Manual Handling - Refresher South Glos OTA's only

This half day course is an annual refresher for individuals working in adult social care settings where they have responsibilities for moving people.

This course will enable you to build on your existing knowledge and practice.

Delegates will be expected to demonstrate how they move people and share knowledge through working on scenarios.

This course is designed to be a refresher for South Glos OTA's working in adult social care with responsibilities for moving people and attendees.

Delegates from partner agencies will need to evidence that they have attended a manual handling course in the previous 18 months.

Please make sure you wear suitable clothing and footwear as there is a practical aspect to this training.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 11 March 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Acorn Health & Safety Ltd Map

Code: SGC/25/0090 Recruitment, onboarding and induction (SGC staff only)

The aim of this blended course is to enable all managers recruit and retain staff effectively. Even if you have recruited in other organisation, it is important for you to attend, to learn best practice for South Gloucestershire Council. All hiring managers are expected to attend this course.

If you have recruited in other organisations you may also find this useful as a refresher or to find out the council approach.

The course will familiarise you with the council’s recruitment guide and you will explore essential and additional criteria for posts, options regarding advert content and where adverts are placed, how to identify appropriate selection processes to use alongside the recruitment interview, shortlisting, preparing for interviews and other assessment tools, how to make fair and unbiased recruitment decisions, giving feedback and the steps you need to take to induct a new starter through to probation.

Please ensure that you have completed the Recruitment Onboarding and Induction e-module before attending this course.

Please log onto the Enable website and visit Learning > Available Learning. The Recruitment Onboarding and Induction e-learning is within the Management & Leadership section.

The day itself will consist of some group discussions and self reflection time to aid your learning. As this course covers South Gloucestershire processes it is for internal staff only.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 11 March 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0015 Advanced Child Protection Update

Please click here to view and download the course handouts

The course resources are available for digital download and storage and for use and reference during or after the event, whichever you prefer.

Also, please be aware that some of the resources contain sensitive content, that you may find upsetting. This training aims to educate and raise awareness, but it can evoke emotional responses, particularly for individuals with personal connections to child or adult bereavements, or the incidents themselves.

If you find the content overwhelming, we encourage you to prioritise your well-being. Take breaks, reflect on your boundaries, and seek support from trusted individuals or professionals as needed. For assistance during or after the training, please reach out to the trainer or your line manager in the first instance, contact Interchange the staff counselling service, or you can also access Thrive.

We are committed to creating an inclusive learning environment and promoting empathy and respect for all.

This course is delivered on behalf of the South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children's Partnership.

Participants should be only those who have already completed the Introduction to Child Protection and Advanced-level of Child Protection training within statutory or setting-related timescales, and who now need to maintain this level of training.

Participants will be expected to have a good working knowledge of safeguarding with experience of statutory and local child protection responsibilities and procedures.

Effective child protection depends not only on reliable and accepted procedures for all staff involved with children, but also on their skills, knowledge and judgment and the ability to work together co-operatively.

Staff with lead roles in child protection require specialised training in order to carry out their work with abused children and families.

The learning outcomes for this training are designed to ensure that all participants receive updates in the latest child protection legislation, statutory guidance, local policies, procedures and professional requirements.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 3261 4593
Passcode: 395710

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 March 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/25/0047 Autism Training (SGC Staff Only)

The training consists of two presentations that provide an introduction to the Autism Spectrum.

Part 1 looks at themes such as what Autism is, traits & behaviours associated with Autism, the social challenges that autistic people face day to day, coping mechanisms, and barriers to employment.

Part 2 briefly recaps the themes from part 1 and looks at themes such as the different types of Autism, skills and abilities commonly associated with Autism, mental health, the pros and cons of the two different models of disability, advice on how best to support autistic residents and colleagues you may work with, and famous people on the spectrum. Part 2 also features interactive elements such as a quiz.

Both presentations feature videos.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 March 2025 11:00 - 11:45 Badminton Road G12 Map
2 19 March 2025 11:00 - 11:45 Badminton Road G12 Map

Code: SGC/25/0034 CHC Training (SGC Adult Care Managers/Practitioners only)


National Framework for CHC – July 2022

Decision Support Tool – July 2022

Recommend reading the MS Word version entitled NHS continuing healthcare decision support tool guidance (with referral form) which is the third one down the list.


Checklist – July 2022

Recommend reading the MS Word version entitled NHS continuing healthcare checklist guidance (with referral form) which is the third one down the list.

The e-learning training is on the NHS e-learning website and can be accessed by anybody with an NHS or email address. It is split into a number of modules, each of which would take about two hours to complete.

  • Introduction, Aims & Continuing Healthcare Quiz
  • Previous updates to the 2018 Framework and new updates to the 2022 Framework
  • Definition - Back to basics
  • Principles & well managed needs
  • Brief overview of the interaction between hospital discharge and CHC
  • Understanding the Checklist
  • Eligibility criteria (inc. legal background & boundary between health and social care)
  • Primary Health Need / Key Characteristics
  • Quality assessments, accurate DSTs and compliant MDTs
  • Detailed evidencing for a robust rationale
Delivered by:
Beacon provides independent, expert representation for individuals and families at any stage of the NHS Continuing Healthcare assessment, resolution and care planning processes. We have an 18-year history of providing specialist CHC support services to individuals and the NHS.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 March 2025 09:30 - 16:00 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/24/0620 Epilepsy Awareness

This one day programme is intended for any individuals from the Council and staff from all Statutory, Voluntary and Independent sectors working with people with Epilepsy.

Non-care staff need only attend the morning session of this course.

The course is a combination of interactive discussion, demonstration and practice with equipment and group work.

The standard charge for this course is £103.50 per day. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 12 March 2025 09:30 - 16:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/24/0283 Conversations with Carers

ESSENTIAL pre-course reading/tasks are attached.

Please join the meeting prior to the 9.30 start, so you have time to check that the technology is working.

The session will explore the crucial role that carers play as a key partner of Adult Social Care.

“The vast majority of care in the UK is provided by family and friends, who make up the UK’s carer population. Social services and the NHS rely on carers’ willingness and ability to provide care and without it they would collapse.” (Facts about Carers. Carers UK. August 2019)

We will look at key data about carers, including in relation to some of the challenges that are commonly faced. You will also benefit from the opportunity to reflect on your own experiences, personal and professional, of caring and carers, and to learn from the lived experiences of carers including a guest speaker from South Gloucestershire. The Carers’ Support Centre will share their expertise in relation to working with and supporting carers over many years. Alongside colleagues, you will explore how to apply 3Cs, strengths-based approaches and legal literacy in your engagement with carers in line with South Gloucestershire Council ‘Carer Practitioner Guidance’. A key theme throughout the day will be recognising the positive impact that you, as a practitioner, can have in promoting the rights and wellbeing of carers and as a result, the wellbeing of adult(s) they care for.

COST:  £103.50

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 13 March 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0037 Self-Harm Awareness-for professionals that work with children and young people

The session will aim to build a better understanding of what self-harm is, why people turn towards self-harm behaviours and what signs and indicators there are for self-harm behaviours.

The course will also help you to develop understanding around helping to support someone who is self-harming and best practice response.

The key aim is to build confidence, reduce stigma and create a better response to individuals who self-harm.

The trainer has requested that attendees have their cameras on during the session to ensure attendance and help with engagement.

The session will be interactive – with lots of opportunities for discussion.

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Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 13 March 2025 09:30 - 13:00 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/25/0056 Race Awareness (AM) SGC - ASC & ICS staff only

Please see attached pre-coursework details which must be completed prior to the training session

We have received feedback from the trainers saying that delegates were unable to do the pre learning as the links didn’t work. Numerous testing by EDP, ourselves and the fact that many other colleagues have had no issues, leads us to conclude that the links are all fine.

However, if you are having difficulty accessing these, please let us know well before the course.
  • Increase understanding around race, racism and systemic racism as well as how it manifests in relation to social care specifically
  • Exploring disparities from statistics that have been caused by systemic racism specific to social care and other core English institutions
  • Understanding our own unconscious bias and social conditioning to help us better challenge ourselves, our thoughts and our beliefs
  • A deep dive into white privilege, power & advantage
  • Cultural awareness and how being aware of cultural norms can help us be more culturally competent when supporting people
  • Learning what microaggression are and what we can do to mitigate against them and how to support somebody who has experienced a microaggression
  • Exploring Language the nuances and connotations associated with some outdated terms
  • How to be an anti-racism ally and what this means as an individual, team and organisation

After you have attended the session make your Anti Racism pledge here and course evaluation here

All staff will be offered support where needed by the trainer and the organisation

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 14 March 2025 10:30 - 13:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map