Please note that by booking this course you are giving permission for your email address to be sent to the trainer.
It is recommended that you attend the "Raising Safeguarding Concerns" course before you attend this training
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 349 033 569 736
Passcode: sX9pS97V
Safeguarding Adults is an important part of effective practice within social and healthcare.
The role of a manager/practitioner in ensuring that staff respond appropriately to a safeguarding concern is vital. Staff need to be well informed and confident about their own responsibilities in safeguarding adults so that they respond appropriately when concerns are identified.
This 1-day course will support managers/supervisors, Social Workers/OTs and other practitioners including in healthcare to be clear about their role, how Making Safeguarding Personal impacts on it, and how to make decisions about what to do next.
The standard charge for this course is £115 per day. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 08 April 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Webinar: Microsoft Teams | Map |
This course is jointly commissioned by the Safeguarding Adults Board and Children's Partnership.
• Unseen: who we are and what we do
• Case study from our frontline services
• Definitions of modern slavery & human trafficking
• Labour abuse: how abuse can become slavery
• Tyes of modern slavery & what we see in the UK
• Scale of slavery: data showing the scale nationally & within the care sector
• Vulnerabilities
• Methods of control
• Signs to spot
• Support for survivors: the National Referral Mechanism
• The role of First Responders
• South Glos escalation process
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 09 April 2025 | 12:00 - 15:00 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
The multi-agency South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board oversees the Joint Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Adults in this area. It is essential that a wide range of staff working in local authority, health and social care agencies are fully aware of the key issues in safeguarding vulnerable adults and of how the policy affects them in their front-line roles. The half-day Raising Safeguarding Concerns course is essential training for all front-line staff and managers who are involved in providing services to adults at risk and who work directly with service users. The course content is mapped to the learning outcomes in the local Safeguarding Adults Training Standards (published Dec 2017) as well as to relevant national occupational standards including the Care Certificate (Standard 10). Course attendance is monitored by the Safeguarding Adults Board. The standard charge for this course is £57. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.
We are restricting numbers from each organisation to 4 individuals per course.
If you organisation require a large number of individuals to complete this course, then it maybe possible for in house training to be organised.
Please contact with your requirements.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 April 2025 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
The multi-agency South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board oversees the Joint Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Adults in this area. It is essential that a wide range of staff working in local authority, health and social care agencies are fully aware of the key issues in safeguarding vulnerable adults and of how the policy affects them in their front-line roles. The half-day Raising Safeguarding Concerns course is essential training for all front-line staff and managers who are involved in providing services to adults at risk and who work directly with service users. The course content is mapped to the learning outcomes in the local Safeguarding Adults Training Standards (published Dec 2017) as well as to relevant national occupational standards including the Care Certificate (Standard 10). Course attendance is monitored by the Safeguarding Adults Board. The standard charge for this course is £57. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.
We are restricting numbers from each organisation to 4 individuals per course.
If you organisation require a large number of individuals to complete this course, then it maybe possible for in house training to be organised.
Please contact with your requirements.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 April 2025 | 13:00 - 16:00 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
This course helps practitioners know how to apply the MCA statutory requirements, principles and legislation and case law in practice.
Be confident in assessing and recording a Mental Capacity Assessment and making Best Interest decisions and the role of the Independent Mental Health Advocate.
Please complete the two pre course exercises in advance of attending the training, which can be found on pages 3 – 5 within the workbook.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 24 April 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
2 | 25 April 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
This session is aimed at both Adult and Childrens Social Care. It is about making everyone aware of Young Carers, in particular the Young Carers Protocol, and trying to ensure that they do not remain hidden, but are made visible and receive the help and support that they require and are entitled to. This session is led by three very experienced trainers;
Kay, one of our young ambassadors who was and still is a carer to two family members,
Joss, who is the Young Carers Service manager for the Carers Support Centre
Kathryn, a social worker in our Connected Care Team, who carers deeply about raising awareness around young carers.
They have put together a session that looks at:
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 08 May 2025 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Patchway Hub | Map |
The multi-agency South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board oversees the Joint Policy and Procedures for Safeguarding Adults in this area. It is essential that a wide range of staff working in local authority, health and social care agencies are fully aware of the key issues in safeguarding vulnerable adults and of how the policy affects them in their front-line roles. The half-day Raising Safeguarding Concerns course is essential training for all front-line staff and managers who are involved in providing services to adults at risk and who work directly with service users. The course content is mapped to the learning outcomes in the local Safeguarding Adults Training Standards (published Dec 2017) as well as to relevant national occupational standards including the Care Certificate (Standard 10). Course attendance is monitored by the Safeguarding Adults Board. The standard charge for this course is £57. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.
We are restricting numbers from each organisation to 4 individuals per course.
If you organisation require a large number of individuals to complete this course, then it maybe possible for in house training to be organised.
Please contact with your requirements.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 13 May 2025 | 09:30 - 12:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
This course helps practitioners know how to apply the MCA statutory requirements, principles and legislation and case law in practice.
Be confident in assessing and recording a Mental Capacity Assessment and making Best Interest decisions and the role of the Independent Mental Health Advocate.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 15 May 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
2 | 16 May 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
Please note that you must be able to attend both sessions in order to complete this training.
This course is deemed Mandatory by the Adult and Childrens Senior Leadership Team. The Learning and Development will be contacting the line managers of South Gloucestershire Council staff to ensure that your work time will be protected (i.e. that you will be deemed ‘unavailable’ to work that day and free of all distractions).
If you are unable to complete both sessions within the course you will be asked to complete both sessions at a future date – it will not be possible to attend your second session on another cohort.
This training programme is for staff who work with adults, children, young people and families based within statutory and voluntary/independent sector organisations across South Gloucestershire.
The aim of the programme is to promote effective multi-agency working between professionals and organisations aligned to national/local legislation, policy, guidance and best practice. A key focus will therefore be person/child-centred practice that promotes positive outcomes for those who lives are affected by domestic abuse.
The first half-day session will be delivered virtually via MS Teams. This will provide an opportunity to refresh and develop your knowledge base including in relation to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and key learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews. The importance of trauma informed practice underpinned by professional curiosity will be explored.
Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.
Delegates must attend day 1 and undertake an individual research/reflective task before attending day 2 of this training.
The second session will be delivered in-person, with a primary focus on exploring, developing and embedding best practice within the landscape of effectively multi-agency/disciplinary working. A broad range of topics will be included, e.g. intersectionality, child-centred practice within a whole family approach, effective risk assessment/monitoring and safety planning, professional self-care.
Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.
The individual learning task, along with active participation in both sessions are integral to the completion of the programme.
If you are from an external organisation and fail to attend one of the sessions you will still be charged for both sessions.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 20 May 2025 | 09:30 - 14:00 | Webinar: Microsoft Teams | Map |
2 | 21 May 2025 | 09:30 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |
Please note that by booking onto this course you are giving permission for your email address to be passed onto the trainer.
Managers of agencies that provide services for adults at risk must ensure they lead a "safe service", with competent staff and an organisational culture that safeguards adults. This 1-day workshop will help delegates to understand and be accountable for the key factors in managing and preventing organisational abuse in the services they lead and/or review.
For full-day courses – The standard charge for this course is £115 per day. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.
Session | Session Date | Session Time | Session Venue | Map |
1 | 04 June 2025 | 09:15 - 16:30 | Kingswood Civic Centre | Map |