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Code: SGC/25/0257 Bitesize session exploring working with Self Neglect hosted by the South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board

Bitesize session exploring working with Self Neglect hosted by the South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Adults Board

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Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 10 April 2025 12:00 - 13:00 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/25/0221 Court Skills - Adult Social Care (South Glos Internal Employees)

This is a half-day workshop specifically designed for practitioners in the council's adult social care division.

It aims to give an overview of
• court room etiquette and processes.
• recording techniques for the recording of essential evidence
• key court forms , providing a guide to completion of the Court of Protection forms to increase worker skills and confidence in writing court documents.

Delivered by Penny Cumine/Maria Sweetman

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 30 April 2025 09:30 - 13:00 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0185 Identifying Young Carers: Our Responsibilities and Duties. (For staff in ASC and CSC and PS) (EVENT FULL)

This session is aimed at both Adult and Childrens Social Care. It is about making everyone aware of Young Carers, in particular the Young Carers Protocol, and trying to ensure that they do not remain hidden, but are made visible and receive the help and support that they require and are entitled to. This session is led by three very experienced trainers;

Kay, one of our young ambassadors who was and still is a carer to two family members,
Joss, who is the Young Carers Service manager for the Carers Support Centre
Kathryn, a social worker in our Connected Care Team, who carers deeply about raising awareness around young carers.

They have put together a session that looks at:

  • Myth Busting
  • Young Carers Protocol
  • Young carers - who are they?
  • Young carers roles
  • The positive and negative impact on young carers/parents
  • What is 'No Wrong Doors' and why it is needed
  • Identifying hidden young carers
  • What caring tasks are inappropriate or excessive
  • Assessment, guidance and monitoring
  • Support for young carers
  • Young Carers Charter
  • All documents and resources relating to Young Carers can be accessed through this link:  Young Carers Resources

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 08 May 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Patchway Hub Map

Code: SGC/25/0124 Domestic Abuse Training (EVENT FULL)

Please note that you must be able to attend both sessions in order to complete this training.

This course is deemed Mandatory by the Adult and Childrens Senior Leadership Team. The Learning and Development will be contacting the line managers of South Gloucestershire Council staff to ensure that your work time will be protected (i.e. that you will be deemed ‘unavailable’ to work that day and free of all distractions).

If you are unable to complete both sessions within the course you will be asked to complete both sessions at a future date – it will not be possible to attend your second session on another cohort.

This training programme is for staff who work with adults, children, young people and families based within statutory and voluntary/independent sector organisations across South Gloucestershire.

The aim of the programme is to promote effective multi-agency working between professionals and organisations aligned to national/local legislation, policy, guidance and best practice. A key focus will therefore be person/child-centred practice that promotes positive outcomes for those who lives are affected by domestic abuse.

The first half-day session will be delivered virtually via MS Teams. This will provide an opportunity to refresh and develop your knowledge base including in relation to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and key learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews. The importance of trauma informed practice underpinned by professional curiosity will be explored.
Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.

Delegates must attend day 1 and undertake an individual research/reflective task before attending day 2 of this training.

The second session will be delivered in-person, with a primary focus on exploring, developing and embedding best practice within the landscape of effectively multi-agency/disciplinary working. A broad range of topics will be included, e.g. intersectionality, child-centred practice within a whole family approach, effective risk assessment/monitoring and safety planning, professional self-care.

Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.

The individual learning task, along with active participation in both sessions are integral to the completion of the programme.

If you are from an external organisation and fail to attend one of the sessions you will still be charged for both sessions.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 20 May 2025 09:30 - 14:00 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map
2 21 May 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0198 Professional Curiosity Workshop - 'The What?, Why?, & How?' (EVENT FULL)

This course is suitable for Social Care Practitioners in both Adult & Children’s Services

Professional Curiosity Workshop – 1 day - The ‘WHAT ?, WHY ?, & HOW ?’

The ability and confidence to demonstrate Professional Curiosity, Professional Courage, and Professional Challenge together are essential to success when working alone as a single agency professional or as a member of a multi-agency team when working to safeguard and protect.

This workshop provides an opportunity for delegates to work together in scenario-based development and application of knowledge and skills. Those attending will be encouraged to fully participate in work and discussions on an individual, class, and small group basis. Trainer led debriefing and facilitation will allow delegates to explore the ‘What, Why, & How’ of professional practice in this area.

Click here to access workbook and PowerPoint

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 03 June 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0231 Understanding Self Harm

This blended half day course is designed specifically for online delivery to smaller groups of participants. It covers what self-harm is, and why people might hurt themselves, as well as providing space to think about what a helpful response to someone who has hurt themselves might be. It has a strong emphasis on bringing the voices of people who use self-harm to the virtual room, and provides space and time for reflection. This course has been developed to either stand alone or complement others in a series of events, and utilises a range of tools to offer a participative online training experience.

Worksheets, handouts and copies of the presentation will be available to complement learning.

Our expertise: Self-Injury Support has 30 years’ experience in delivering high quality self-harm education to a wide variety of settings and participants. Our approach is participative and reflective, and is focussed on bringing the voice of people who use self-harm into the room, building empathy and confidence for supporters.

The standard charge for this course is £57. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 11 June 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/25/0255 Exploitation of Adults

Exploitation happens when someone has power and control over another person. They take advantage of another person’s vulnerability to make money, improve their status or gain control. In order to gain control and power they will groom the victim. The way they do this is by befriending them. This could be by buying them gifts or by giving them money, alcohol or drugs. They could also make them feel special and give them a group to belong to. Perpetrators will target a person’s vulnerability, whether they are children or adults, and will try to isolate the victim to make them depend on the perpetrator.

Adult Exploitation is an extremely important issue for anyone working with vulnerable adults. Exploitation can effect a wide range of people in very many different ways. It is an issue that needs to be understood by professionals so they know who might be more vulnerable to being exploited, what to look out for when they are working with vulnerable people and what to do if they are concerned that someone they are working with may be a victim of exploitation.

It can sometimes be really hard for a victim to know and understand that they are a victim of exploitation, as the perpetrator could be regarded as a friend. It can be very hard for the victim to disclose that they are being abused as they are being controlled by the perpetrator and they rely on them for help and support. If professionals are aware of the warning signs and risk indicators then they may be able to see the signs before the victim is aware of what may be happening. It is important to flag up early signs of exploitation so that a multi-agency approach can be put into place. This would include police who could then try and spot any criminal offences being carried out by the perpetrator and the possibility of any emerging patterns such as organised crime and exploitation rings.

In order to fully participate in this training session:

• Participants must be provided with protected time, in an environment free from all work-related duties and distractions to successfully participate in the sessions.
• Participants require access to a camera and microphone to be able to fully engage in the session

Failiure to comply with the above may result in non issue of certificate and you may be asked to reattend this course.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 17 June 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map

Code: SGC/25/0237 Introduction to the Care Act

Your pre-course activity is attached. 

Please note: By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer. This is so they can send you any further relevant resources.

Who it's for:  Social Care and OT Practitioners working directly with people in need of care and support.

The course gives an understanding of the Care Act 2014, its principles and duties.
Content includes:
• an overview of the Care Act and its implications
• an outline of the wellbeing principle and duty
• general and specific duties under the Care Act
• how to prevent, delay or reduce care needs with information and advice
• a look at independent advocacy
• safeguarding adults
• assessments of needs, carers assessments and eligibility determination
• an individual’s journey through the reform system.

The standard charge for this course is £115. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 18 June 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map
2 19 June 2025 09:30 - 12:30 Webinar: Microsoft Teams Map

Code: SGC/25/0252 Responding to Disclosures of Rape and/or Sexual Abuse

This course is for people working in an environment that involves disclosures of sexual violence/ sexual abuse. It Covers: - Barriers to disclosure -Current Sexual Violence Legislation -Discussions About Safeguarding -Information about trauma, flashbacks, and grounding techniques -The support needs of survivors of rape and sexual violence - Services that are available for survivors of rape and sexual violence.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 24 June 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Webinar: Zoom Map

Code: SGC/25/0082 Train the Trainer Workshop - Safeguarding Adults

This course is only available to book via invitation only

Prior to attending Train the Trainer Workshop there is an expectation that new network members will have attended the Multi Agency Raising Safeguarding Concerns course and ideally also attended the Effective Multi Agency Working in Adult Safeguarding.

Attendees must be able to attend both sessions of workshop.

The workshop is aimed at those who are new to delivering safeguarding adult training sessions to groups or any trainer looking for fresh ideas and a structured approach to their training. It will be a practical workshop to equip new trainers to deliver raising safeguarding concerns within their own organisations.

Following attendance of the Safeguarding Adult Train the Trainer Workshop you will be observed delivering your safeguarding adult training, it is expected that the observation will be carried out within an agreed timescale of attendance of the train the trainer workshop. Verbal feedback will be given after the session has been observed and followed up with written feedback, any recommendations that are suggested will be followed up prior to sign off.
Following successful completion of observation you will be invited to join the Trained Trainer Network. This network meets every 4-6 months to share experiences and learning, to swap ideas on best practice and new materials, and to support each other in the key tasks of building and maintaining safeguarding adults good practice.

Essential Information
Session Session Date Session Time Session Venue Map
1 26 June 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map
2 03 July 2025 09:30 - 16:30 Kingswood Civic Centre Map