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Foster Carers Engagement Event

Pomphrey Hill Community Sports Pavillion, The Sports Pavillion, Pomphrey Hill Playing Fields, Pomphrey Hill
Event Tutors
Admin Contact
Fostering Business Support (
Target Audience
Connected Carers / Foster Carers
target audience
Event Types
Workshop - Week Day Time
Course categories
Adopters and Foster Carers
Adopters and Foster Carers subcategories
Professional Development
Event description
This event will be a question and answer session led by Petros Careswell, the recently appointed Service Manager for Corporate Parenting (Children in Care and Care Leavers). Petros will be joined by two of his managers Callum Bagley from Children in Care and Jenny Down from our Care Leavers Team.

Petros will talk about his plans for the service moving forward, including trying to improve his teams practice in assessing, planning and supporting those children who return home to parents as well as the importance of good quality transitions for our children who reach adulthood.

Petros, Callum and Jenny will then be eager to hear from you, where things are working well but also where there is room for improvements.
Learning outcomes
To give foster carers the opportunity to talk and contribute to the different areas within the Fostering Service.
Start Date
Wednesday 17 July 2024
End Date
Wednesday 17 July 2024
Closing Date
Tuesday 16 July 2024
10:00 - 12:00
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event