If you are a social worker in Adult Care then please book onto the Module 1 Professional version
This new training course provides
children’s social workers with the essential skills and knowledge to apply and comply with the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 when carrying out their role. Most of the MCA applies to those aged 16 and over, although some elements come into play at the age of 18. The principles of the MCA and the criteria for assessing a person’s capacity to make a specific decision may well be useful tools for those supporting children to make their own decisions and may also help staff to prepare children for significant decisions which may occur during the transition to adulthood.
The MCA applies to every health and social care worker who is involved in the care, treatment or support of people who are unable to make all or some decisions themselves. Care Quality Commission Inspectors are increasingly asking social care workers to explain their responsibilities under the MCA.
The MCA provides legal protection from liability for carrying out care and treatment of people who lack capacity to consent, provided that care workers:
• Understand the principles of the MCA
• Have carried out a capacity assessment and reasonably believe that the person lacks capacity.
• Reasonably believe the action they have taken is in the best interests of the person.
The standard charge for this course is £49. Please refer to our Course Charges on the Home page for information on discounts and exemptions.
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