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Webinar: Zoom, Webinar
Event Tutors
Learning and Development
Admin Contact
Target Audience
External Care Providers / Social Care Staff / Voluntary Sector Workers
target audience
Event Types
Course categories
Adult Social Care
Adult Social Care subcategories
Adult Mental Health / General Adult Social Care / Learning Difficulties / Older People
Event description
This training is for external health professionals & social care support workers who require a basic understanding of Person centred practice and tools used to support people in their care.

• We will discuss and share ideas and experiences of person-centred practice – how does it differ from other approaches?
• We will become familiar with and try out a range of published person-centred thinking tools which can be used within other care planning/support planning frameworks.
• We will discuss the balance which is often needed between what is important to a person and what is important for them.
• We will become familiar with two published ‘person-centred planning’ tools, Essential Lifestyle Planning and PATH.
• We will identify personal attitudes, values and particular practice skills which support person-centred practice. What does it mean to ‘be’ person-centred when supporting someone else and helping them to plan?
• We will practice communication skills which are identified as useful in person-centred practice.

South Glos Council Staff - HOW TO REQUEST ZOOM ACCESS
Learning outcomes
• Develop understanding of the concept of person-centredness in social care settings and the policy background which supports it.
• Learn about and engage with person-centred thinking tools.
• Become familiar with existing ‘off the shelf’ person-centred planning tools.
• Identify and practise communication skills applicable to being person-centred.
Start Date
Wednesday 28 June 2023
End Date
Wednesday 28 June 2023
Closing Date
Tuesday 27 June 2023
09:30 - 12:30
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event