Please click here to view and download the course handouts
Click here to join this meeting
Meeting ID: 816 3823 8373
Passcode: 620789
The training is organised by South Gloucestershire Safeguarding Children Partnership and is targeted at all staff from all agencies who are working directly with children, or adults who are parents. Effective child protection depends not only on reliable and accepted procedures for all staff involved with children, but also on their skills, knowledge and judgement and the ability to work together co-operatively. Staff with lead roles in child protection require specialised training in order to carry out their work with abused children and families. Please note it is recommended to leave a minimum of 3 months between attending Introduction to Child Protection and Advanced Child Protection.
Please DO NOT book onto the Advanced Child Protection course, unless you have attended the Introduction to Child Protection course. The knowledge needed for this course is dependent on you having attended the previous session. Thank you.
Requirements for training via Zoom:
• Demonstrate an advanced knowledge of the signs and symptoms of child abuse
• Understand local and national frameworks and legislation, including levels of accountability in decision making
• Apply knowledge of thresholds to make sound judgements as to whether a child is suffering or likely to suffer harm
• Have an understanding of what effective multi-agency working looks like and the responsibilities of each organisation
• Understand and demonstrate qualities required to write a good referral
• Increase confidence in engaging and responding to disclosures from children and young people
• Gain an understanding of the impact on children when parental needs overtake those of children and gain strategies to deal with resistant families
• Increase knowledge around information sharing and consider challenges around gaining consent
• Develop confidence in safeguarding role, gaining an understanding of the responsibilities and attitudes required as well as fostering a professional curiosity and the confidence to challenge or escalate different or conflicting opinions
• Demonstrate an awareness of extra-familial harm and the impact of peer on peer abuse on children