Stress Management, Psychological Flexibility & Resilience Building Workshops (Cancelled)
Target Audience
All Internal Staff / Schools / Staff working within Public Health
Event Types
Workshop - Week Day Time
Course categories
Personal Effectiveness / Public Health & Wellbeing
Personal Effectiveness subcategories
General Personal Effectiveness
Public Health & Wellbeing subcategories
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing
Event description
The nature of working in schools relies on staff being able to perform a complex and evolving role requiring a high level of effectiveness in multiple capacities including caring, educating, mentoring, discipline, to name but a few. Whilst staff are highly skilled in all of these areas, their capability to balance the demands of their role with their own psychological needs may not be as well covered. High job demands and the absence of additional personal resources can potentially lead to undesirable outcomes such as high stress, chronic exhaustion and eventually ‘burnout’. With these challenges in mind, Thrive is hosting a series of workshops to address these needs for Mental Health Leads across South Gloucestershire Schools.
Thrive Mental Wellbeing- Jonty Rose MSc, MBPsS, ACBS is an Organisational and Business Psychologist with over 20 years background in consulting. He employs a contextual behavioural approach to improving individual and organisational well-being and effectiveness.
Learning outcomes
These sessions will equip participants with evidence-based tools to allow them to connect and align more closely with what they find most meaningful, even when facing challenging circumstances. This is achieved by developing Psychological Flexibility. Research shows that our ability to bounce back from adversity, respond effectively to difficult situations and reduce stress levels is enhanced by increasing this personal resource.
The sessions will be highly interactive and practical focusing on the following 3 areas:
1)Building increased awareness around own behaviour patterns
2) Identifying personal values
3)Relating more skilfully to unhelpful thoughts, feelings and emotions
Start Date
Wednesday 16 November 2022
End Date
Wednesday 30 November 2022
Closing Date
Tuesday 20 September 2022