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Mental Health First Aid - Adults (Online)

Webinar: Zoom, Webinar
Event Tutors
Learning and Development
Admin Contact
Target Audience
All Internal Staff
target audience
Event Types
Course categories
Adult Social Care
Adult Social Care subcategories
Adult Mental Health
Event description

You must provide a full postal address, as well as your e-mail address, in order to register for this course.  Please e-mail these details to who will forward to our contact at Bristol Mind so they can register you. 


The programme consists of 4 x instructor-led live sessions and 4 x individual learning sessions. You must complete all of these in order to receive your certificate. You cannot swap between programmes.

The MHFA online course is delivered through the MHFA England Online Learning Hub which is an integrated learning platform. Learners will be able to access, interact with, and complete their learning modules for both their individual learning and instructor-led live sessions. Once a learner is confirmed as a delegate on their course they will receive an invitation with a link to the Online Learning Hub as well as login details. The delegates will be able to access the course materials via the Online Learning Hub from once the course is fully set and delegates registered, until a month after the course has completed.

They will also have access to the printed Adult MHFA Manual, Workbook and ALGEE card to refer to at any time, including before, during, and after the course. The MHFA England Online Learning Hub works best when learners use Google Chrome as their internet browser. However, the hub can be used on Firefox and Edge, provided they are the most up to date versions of these browsers. The Online Learning Hub is compatible with Apple Mac, although not yet with Safari (coming soon). To ensure the best learning experience, MHFA England do not currently recommend connecting via tablet/iPad. Delegates will be invited to join the live sessions approximately 15min before the Instructor Member starts the course. During this time, the instructor will make introductions and take delegates through what they need to do to get settled, including ensuring the technology is working correctly.
If a delegate has an accessibility requirement - any accessibility needs are captured when the delegate registers for a course and this will be shared with their Instructor Member. The instructor will then contact the delegate ahead of the course to chat through and agree any adjustments that will support their learning experience.

COSTS: £160 for those outside South Glos

Learning outcomes

This course covers the same material as the face to face version with the total learning time for the Online Mental Health First Aid course being the same as the Adult MHFA Two Day course. The main difference is the course is made up of four live sessions and four sessions of individual learning. Every live session includes a 10 minute break.  Learners will be sent the course manual and a slightly different workbook pre course from MHFA England. 

Mental Health First Aid is the help given to someone experiencing a mental health problem before professional help is obtained. Mental Health First Aid does not teach people to be therapists. However, it does teach people how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems, how to provide initial help and how to guide a person towards appropriate help. The course is aimed at anyone with an interest in promoting positive emotional and mental health.

- To preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others.
- To provide help to prevent the mental health problems developing into a more serious state.
- To promote the recovery of good mental health.
- To provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem.

Start Date
Monday 5 October 2020
End Date
Thursday 15 October 2020
Closing Date
Thursday 17 September 2020
11:00 - 13:15
Maximum Places
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event