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The Communicating 3 - 4 year old (cf) CHANGE OF DATE

Bradley Stoke Community School (Primary Phase), Fiddlers Wood Lane
Event Tutors
Sinead McBride / Claire Perry / PAULA YOUNG
Admin Contact
Target Audience
Childminders / Pre-Schools & Nurseries
target audience
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Children and Young People
Children and Young People subcategories
Early Years
Event description
“If the job of a toddler is to learn to talk, the job of a pre-schooler is to learn to communicate, which is a complicated task indeed!”
Scolastic, 2018
This course will help you to understand how young children develop communication skills including exploring the wider ways in which 3 – 4 year olds communicate. We will discuss how we can utilise the environment and role of the adult to enhance both communication and language skills.

We will explore how young children acquire language including the speech sounds and share practical ideas and experiences which can enhance progress in this area. There will be opportunities to define different types of communicators including a deeper look at reluctant communicators and meaningful ways in which we can help.

“Talking, understanding others and knowing what to say are really important skills. They help children make friends, learn and enjoy life to the full. Adults’ response is to acknowledge the child’s attempts to communicate and provide a stimulating learning environment.”
Learning outcomes
To understand how children learn to communicate from birth and how they acquire language.

To describe and define different types of communicator.

To develop a deeper understanding of potential barriers to children’s progress with communication and language development.
Start Date
Thursday 14 March 2019
End Date
Thursday 14 March 2019
Closing Date
Wednesday 13 March 2019
13:00 - 16:00
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event