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Assertiveness Skills ELearning

Course name
Assertiveness Skills ELearning 
At certain times, most people find it difficult to communicate honestly, directly and openly with other people. This course will help you to understand different ways of relating to other people, how to identify assertive, passive and aggressive communication and how you can communicate more positively with others. Assertiveness involves being clear about what you feel, what you need and how it can be achieved. It allows you to engage respectfully with other people, whilst also respecting your own needs and ensures that you don't feel taken advantage of through setting appropriate professional and personal boundaries. In this course we will look at rights and responsibilities in communication, communications styles, motivation and intent in communication and the impact of assertive and non-assertive behaviour. It will give you an opportunity to think about how you relate to others and changes you can make to communicate clearly and assertively.  
Learning outcomes
After this course you will be able to -
Describe assertiveness and how that differs from being passive or aggressive in interactions with others.
Understand your rights and responsibilities in conversation
Demonstrate a range of assertive techniques in order to say no, ask for what you need and set professional and personal boundaries.
Develop your personal action plan so you can continue to build you assertiveness
Personal Effectiveness  
Target Audience
All Internal Staff  
Estimated Duration
30 minutes