Care Act Outline & Refresher (ASC staff only)

Webinar: Microsoft Teams, Teams
Event Tutors
Learning and Development
Admin Contact
Target Audience
CAH Staff
target audience
Event Types
Course categories
Adult Social Care
Adult Social Care subcategories
General Adult Social Care
Event description
The course gives an understanding of the Care Act 2014, its principles and duties.

Content includes:
• an overview of the Care Act and its implications
• an outline of the wellbeing principle and duty
• general and specific duties under the Care Act
• how to prevent, delay or reduce care needs with information and advice
• a look at independent advocacy
• safeguarding adults
• assessments of needs, carers assessments and eligibility determination
• an individual’s journey through the reform system.

Please note: By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer. This is so they can send you any resources.

Please join the meeting prior to the 9.30 start, so you have time to check that the technology is working.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the session delegates will be able to:

  • Outline the key principles of the Care Act 2014

  • Explain how the law is structured and the relationship between primary legislation, secondary legislation, statutory and other national/local guidance

  • Evaluate the centrality of the Wellbeing principle

  • Describe the main duties and powers in relation to assessment, care/support planning and review with adults and carers

  • Explain how to determine Care Act eligibility for adults and carers

  • Identify other key duties including, e.g.: preventing, reducing and delaying needs for care/support; information and advice; independent advocacy; safeguarding; direct payments; transitions

  • Identify actions to improve Care Act compliance in their practice

Start Date
Monday 10 February 2025
End Date
Monday 10 February 2025
Closing Date
Friday 7 February 2025
09:30 - 16:30
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event