Event description
Relationships from the Inside out
Pause for thought, how are you doing?
We are busy people, whether we are at home, work, in the gym, shopping, socialising we are relating to others. Even when we are on our own, we are interacting with people online, in our thoughts or in our dreams but what about YOU this is your time to press the ‘pause button’ and ask yourself – ‘how am I doing?’.
Learning outcomes
This course will look at how are you doing?
• How do you rate your relationships and relationships skills at the moment?
• Look at the things that are taking most of your time. How many of these are positive and how many are negative? Are you happy with the balance?
• How to manage stress in everyday life? recognising triggers and taking time out.
• How do I care for myself physically? How do I care for myself mentally?
• Importance of relaxation and mindfulness in a busy world.
• Relaxation techniques.