Kingswood Civic Centre, High Street, Kingswood
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Children and Young People
Children and Young People subcategories
Children's Social Care
Event description
At the end of this 2-day course participants will be ParentAssess trained – this is the equivalent of being PAMS
trained and you will be able to complete specialist assessments for Family Proceedings.
Although ParentAssess was designed for parents with a learning disability, it has flexible application and can be used
for all parenting assessments including pre-births, parents with mental health issues and parents who have Autism.
The aim of the course is to:
•Introduce a new framework
•Develop an understanding of the issues relating to parents with a LD
• Learn about the problems facing these parents
•Develop skills in using the ParentAssess tools
•Develop skills in observation
Learning outcomes
Course participants will gain:
1. An improved understanding of the relevant legal framework and Good Practice Guidance
2. An understanding of the issues relating to parents with a learning disability
3. An improved understanding of cognitive difficulties and how these can impact on parenting.
4. An opportunity to explore how parents can be helped to understand and manage risk.
5. An understanding of how to analyse the effectiveness of the prospective support network.
6. An improved understanding in how to capture the voice of the child in order to identify points of reparative care.
7. An opportunity to develop observation skills and understand better what the pre-verbal child might be
8. An overview of attunement, attachment and parenting patterns
9. An understanding of how to use the ParentAssess tools to help the parent engage with the assessment process.
10. Knowledge of how to compile and write a report which presents the outcome in a way the parent can
Start Date
Wednesday 17 July 2024
End Date
Thursday 18 July 2024
Closing Date
Tuesday 16 July 2024
Kingswood Civic Centre, High Street
Start Date
Wednesday 17 July 2024
Kingswood Civic Centre, High Street
Start Date
Thursday 18 July 2024