Thinking Aloud Therapeutic Parenting Training

Poole Court, Poole Court Drive, Yate
Event Tutors
Course Tutor
Admin Contact
Target Audience
Social Care Staff
target audience
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Children and Young People
Children and Young People subcategories
Children's Social Care
Event description
This is a one-day training course for social workers and other social care staff and will be delivered by the Thinking Aloud team. It is an adapted version of the therapeutic parenting training that we deliver to foster carers and adoptive parents. It will cover some of the key themes of our foster carer training such as trauma informed approaches to care, use of PACE within families and within social care systems and understanding theories and concepts related to attachment, developmental trauma, PTSD, secondary trauma and blocked care.
Learning outcomes
• To refresh your knowledge on key theories such as attachment, complex trauma and Polyvagal
• To develop your knowledge of tools to use when reflecting on young people’s experiences of trauma and understand the impact this can have on young people’s relationships moving forward.
• To develop your understanding of the trauma recovery model and when it might be appropriate to start different therapeutic interventions.
• To consider the impact on individuals and teams, working so closely with children and families who have experienced trauma, and identify ways in which we can reduce the risk of secondary trauma.
Start Date
Thursday 6 June 2024
End Date
Thursday 6 June 2024
Closing Date
Thursday 30 May 2024
10:00 - 16:00
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event