Bitesize Fraud Prevention for practitioners working with Children and Families

Microsoft TEAMS, Virtual training
Event Tutors
Learning and Development
Admin Contact
Target Audience
CAH Staff / Connected Carers / Foster Carers / GP's / Health Practitioners / Schools / SGO's / Short Break Carers / Social Care Staff / Voluntary Sector Workers
target audience
Event Types
Course categories
Adopters and Foster Carers / Children and Young People / Safeguarding
Adopters and Foster Carers subcategories
CS2 - Safeguarding and Child Protection
Children and Young People subcategories
Children's Social Care
Safeguarding subcategories
Safeguarding Children
Event description
Fraud Protect Officer Claire Bounds will deliver a session on fraud prevention advice to safeguard vulnerable children.

The session will look to address the scale of fraud in the UK, how children and young people are most likely to be targeted in fraud and key signs to look out for. Advice and guidance on how to protect children and young people from becoming victims, including being recruited as money mules, will be provided.

MS Teams Meeting link: Click here to join the meeting
Learning outcomes
As Above
Start Date
Wednesday 28 February 2024
End Date
Wednesday 28 February 2024
Closing Date
Tuesday 27 February 2024
12:00 - 13:00
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event