Recruitment, onboarding and induction (SGC staff only)

Microsoft TEAMS, Virtual training
Event Tutors
Admin Contact
Target Audience
target audience
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Leadership and Management
Leadership and Management subcategories
Recruitment and Selection
Event description
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 349 557 310 923
Passcode: u2tA6u

The aim of this blended course is to enable managers with no previous recruitment experience to carry out effective recruitment.

If you have recruited in other organisations you may also find this useful as a refresher or to find out the council approach.

The course will familiarise you with the council’s recruitment guide and you will explore essential and additional criteria for posts, options regarding advert content and where adverts are placed, how to identify appropriate selection processes to use alongside the recruitment interview, shortlisting, preparing for interviews and other assessment tools, how to make fair and unbiased recruitment decisions, giving feedback and the steps you need to take to induct a new starter through to probation.

Participants will need to put aside 2.5 hours to complete the Rise self-study package entitled: “Recruitment, onboarding and induction” in advance of the training day to ensure a baseline of knowledge.

Please ensure that you have completed the Recruitment Onboarding and Induction e-module before attending this course.

Please log onto the Enable website and visit Learning > Available Learning. The Recruitment Onboarding and Induction e-learning is within the Management & Leadership section.

The day itself will consist of some group discussions and self reflection time to aid your learning. As this course covers South Gloucestershire processes it is for internal staff only.
Learning outcomes
This course will enable you to:-

  • Understand your role as a manager in the recruitment process within South Gloucestershire council

  • Set criteria for the role that you can assess against for interview and other assessment methods

  • Write appropriate interview questions in line with organisational competencies

  • Assess and evaluate an applicant’s performance at interview

  • Provide feedback to an unsuccessful candidate following interview

  • Describe the post-interview stages of job offer and selection procedures necessary

  • Describe the steps necessary to onboard and induct a new member of staff.

Start Date
Wednesday 27 March 2024
End Date
Wednesday 27 March 2024
Closing Date
Tuesday 26 March 2024
09:30 - 16:30
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event