Direct Payments Training (SGC staff only)

Webinar: Microsoft Teams, Teams
Event Tutors
Learning and Development
Admin Contact
Target Audience
CAH Staff
target audience
Event Types
Course categories
Adult Social Care
Adult Social Care subcategories
General Adult Social Care
Event description
IMPORTANT: To complete your registration for this session please complete the pre-course preparation outlined below.

By booking onto this course, you are consenting to your contact details being passed onto the trainer.

The meeting will open at 9.15am, so that you can join the meeting in time to check that the technology is working prior to a 9.30am prompt start.

Join the meeting
Meeting ID: 333 798 048 955
Passcode: PH7dG2wa

Pre-course preparation - please see attached

The session will focus on Direct payments and the legal framework. We will consider the benefits of a direct payment for adults, carers, professionals and the Local Authority as well as the challenges that may be experienced. Some guest speakers will be available to talk to you in small groups:
- A direct payment recipient will tell you about how it helps her to live a good life
- Steffan Lewis from the South Glos DP monitoring team who will be able to answer any questions you have about the process.
- A representative from one of the Support Providers will tell you about how they can offer bespoke support to an individual receiving a direct payment

Plus a video of one of your social work colleagues who will tell you why she thinks direct payments can promote an individual’s wellbeing.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the session delegates will be able to:

· Explain how Direct Payments are in line with the principles and requirements of the Care Act 2014 and can support personalisation and wellbeing outcomes
· Describe what Direct Payments are and how they work in South Gloucestershire
· Identify support available for Direct Payment recipients
· Outline benefits of Direct Payments for a range of stakeholders
· Explain the responsibilities that come with managing a direct payment
· Describe the process for setting up a Direct Payment in South Gloucestershire
· Confidently promote Direct Payments to potential Direct Payments recipients
· Identify actions to promote increased use of Direct Payments

Start Date
Thursday 13 February 2025
End Date
Thursday 13 February 2025
Closing Date
Wednesday 12 February 2025
09:30 - 13:00
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event