Administration of Medication
Southmead Hospital Learning & Research Building, Southmead Road, Westbury on Trym, Bristol
Target Audience
CAH Staff / External Care Providers / Social Care Staff
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Adult Social Care / Health and Safety
Adult Social Care subcategories
General Adult Social Care / Older People
Health and Safety subcategories
General Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Event description
Clinical Skills Lab, Learning and Research Building , Southmead Hospital
This half day course follows CQC requirements on the administration of medication. It includes trainer presentation, discussion, and a short multiple-choice assessment at the end to check the information has been retained by participants. Relevant handouts/paperwork will be provided. This course is aimed at any adult social care staff in South Gloucestershire, working in domiciliary, residential and day care services (statutory sector AND IVP sector agencies).
This session is £49 for non SGC staff
Learning outcomes
How to prepare the correct dose of medication for ingestion or application. How to administer medication that is not given by invasive techniques, including tablets, capsules and liquid medications given by mouth, ear, eye and nasal drops; inhalers and external applications. About their responsibility as a care worker to ensure that medicines are only administered to the correct person they were prescribed for, given in the right (prescribed) dose, at the right time by the right method/route. How important it is to check the medication àuse byà date has not expired, and that the person has not already been given the medication by anyone else. How to recognise and report possible side effects. How to report refusals and medication errors. How they as a care worker should administer medicines prescribed àas requiredà, for example painkillers. What they as a care worker should do when people request non-prescribed medicines. About the service provideràs policy for record-keeping. Participants will be made / kept aware of the general medication àaudit trailà, with medicines being recorded when received as well as when returned (to a pharmacy).
Start Date
Thursday 28 November 2024
End Date
Thursday 28 November 2024
Closing Date
Wednesday 27 November 2024