My Life Through Care

Webinar: Microsoft Teams, Teams
Event Tutors
Blanche Duffy
Admin Contact
Target Audience
Adopters / CAH Staff / Connected Carers / Foster Carers / GP's / Health Practitioners / Manager / Other / Schools / SGO's / Short Break Carers / Social Care Staff / Voluntary Sector Workers
target audience
Event Types
Webinar, Online Course, Course (daytime)
Course categories
Adopters and Foster Carers / Children and Young People / Equality and Diversity
Adopters and Foster Carers subcategories
CS4 - Equality and Diversity / Professional Development
Children and Young People subcategories
Children's Social Care / Early Years / Mental Health / Safeguarding Children / Sexual Health and Relationships / Single Assessment Framework (Early Help)
Equality and Diversity subcategories
Equality and Diversity
Event description

Microsoft Teams meeting link
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 358 791 512 126
Passcode: XWctD5

Join us for this new course exploring the experiences of care experienced people. The aim of this session is to help adults understand and connect with the needs and experiences of children and young people in care, leaving care and beyond. This is a superb opportunity for practitioners to learn from those with experience of being in care to support the development of their skills and practice. 

The session will be led by Kathy who will be supported by Anna. Kathy and her family were involved in social services for the duration of her childhood. As an adolescent, Kathy was accommodated by the local authority. Kathy’s story is both inspirational and instructive for social care professionals. This session will include:

 Personal narrative and how the stories we are told and tell about ourselves and others impact on our reality and life chances.

Education not necessarily academic, as a route out of a challenging start.

Challenging the damaged goods myth (individual and system based).

Normalising difficult emotions routed in trauma. Building confidence in emotional tolerance and therefore self- esteem

By booking onto this course you are giving permision for your contact details to be passed onto the trainer.

Learning outcomes

 To give insight and consideration to the impact of being in care has on identity formation in adolescence through to adulthood.

A space to reflect on myths that perpetuate about care experienced people and a chance to consider unconscious biases and prejudice in your practice and thinking.

To give practitioners an insight into the lived experience of being in care, practice issues and current challenges.

To help practitioners think beyond the immediate outcomes and challenges for children and young people and consider longer term aspirations.

A chance to consider the impact of trauma within a care experienced person’s journey into and through adulthood.
Start Date
Tuesday 19 September 2023
End Date
Tuesday 19 September 2023
Closing Date
Monday 18 September 2023
09:30 - 12:30
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event