This is an online course, if you prefer face to face training we have a session on 31st January 2024 please book onto that date.
Our trauma-informed partner Dignifi will be delivering this training. The People Dept is under-going a radical and long-lasting transformation to become trauma informed and responsive to both the people who work for us, and those in South Glos who are served by us.
The morning session on Trauma Awareness course will cover:
- Different types of trauma and how they impact on emotional regulation and ability to manage stress.
- How to develop awareness of trauma and its impacts upon a person’s perceptions, thinking and behaviour.
- Trauma and the body Fight, Flight and Freeze responses and how to manage activations.
- Trauma and links to addiction.
In the afternoon session the course will explore strategies for Trauma Recovery including;
- Supporting staff to understand their own engagement style and reflect on how to adapt to a trauma responsive approach.
- Feel equipped to assess and intervene if someone is displaying symptoms of trauma.
- Are equipped to manage difficult situationsusing trauma responsive strategies.
- Are supported to manage the issues they face at work and balance this with their own self-care needs
The content of the training covers trauma and adversity and can be triggering. If you think this content might trigger you ahead of the day, please let us know at and/or talk to your Line Manager. Delegates will not be expected to share personal experiences as part of this training.
Delegates are encouraged to clear the decks as much as they can for the evening after the training and to have a named person who they can call on should they need to talk anything through that may come up on the day.