Microsoft TEAMS, Virtual training
Target Audience
Adopters / All Internal Staff / CAH Staff / CECR Staff / Childminders / Connected Carers / Councillors / ECS Staff / External Care Providers / Foster Carers / GP's / Health Practitioners / Housing Association / Integra Staff / Manager / Managers working within Public Health / Other / Pharmacy Staff / Pre-Schools & Nurseries / Schools / SGO's / Short Break Carers / Social Care Staff / Voluntary Sector Workers
Event Types
Support Group
Course categories
Adopters and Foster Carers
Adopters and Foster Carers subcategories
Professional Development
Event description
An opportunity to meet other stay overs however everyone is welcome, this is an online group.
If this course closes and there are spaces remaining, please email to see if you can attend.
Learning outcomes
This is the first session to be held and therefore an opportunity to discuss how the group could look moving forward and any topics that may be helpful.
The Agenda is:
Start Date
Wednesday 25 January 2023
End Date
Wednesday 25 January 2023
Closing Date
Sunday 22 January 2023