Making a difference to children who are deemed at risk from financial disadvantage
Early Years Training Room - Parkwall Primary, Earlstone Crescent, Barrs Court
Event Tutors
Target Audience
Childminders / Pre-Schools & Nurseries / Schools
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Children and Young People
Children and Young People subcategories
Early Years
Event description
Making a difference to children who are deemed at risk from financial disadvantage (Those eligible for two-year-old funding and early years pupil premium)
This course is for all Early Years Practitioners who support children who are in receipt of two year old funding and early years pupil premium whether you have one child or a high number of children eligible for this funding.
“A child’s future can too often be decided even before they hang their coat on a peg on the first day of primary school” Clegg, N 2013
As an Early Years Setting you fundamental in making a difference to the long-term outcomes of children who are in receipt of two year funding and early years pupil premium.
These sessions will explore research on the best ways to make the best possible use of EYPP, and to demonstrate the impact it can have.
Participating settings will work in partnership with others, to share ideas and experiences and support and evaluate strategies.
Commitment to attend all sessions is required.
Learning outcomes
• To understand the national and local picture of the attainment gap for the children deemed at risk of disadvantaged in your care
• To explore the impact of financial disadvantage in order to understand the impact and be proactive to diminish differences through an equality of opportunity
• To identify effective strategies which support children deemed at risk of disadvantage.
Start Date
Wednesday 2 November 2022
End Date
Thursday 27 April 2023
Closing Date
Friday 28 October 2022
Early Years Training Room - Parkwall Primary, Earlstone Crescent
Start Date
Wednesday 2 November 2022
Early Years Training Room - Parkwall Primary, Earlstone Crescent
Start Date
Thursday 27 April 2023