Women in Leadership

Webinar: Microsoft Teams, Teams
Event Tutors
Emma Ford
Admin Contact
Target Audience
All Internal Staff / CAH Staff / CECR Staff / Connected Carers / ECS Staff / External Care Providers / GP's / Health Practitioners / Housing Association / Integra Staff / Manager / Other / Pre-Schools & Nurseries / Schools / SGO's / Social Care Staff / Voluntary Sector Workers
target audience
Event Types
Online Course
Course categories
Equality and Diversity / Leadership and Management / Personal Effectiveness
Equality and Diversity subcategories
Equality and Diversity
Leadership and Management subcategories
Managing People
Personal Effectiveness subcategories
General Personal Effectiveness
Event description
Click here to join the meeting

This woman’s leadership development programme seeks to address the under representation of women in management roles. Women in Leadership builds confidence, informal networks and develops an understanding of women as future leaders. 

This three day programme will provide participants with an opportunity to focus on your personal and professional goals and give ongoing support to achieve them. The workshop is fun and interactive, and considers themes such as self-awareness, personal impact and influence, and leadership styles As an online course it will contain a mixture of discussions and self-study as well as essential pre-course work. It is written so people at all stages of their careers can benefit from it.

This inspiring and engaging programme is for existing female managers who wish to progress in their careers or aspiring managers and leaders and covers self-leadership, personal impact and influence as a leader and inspirational women and leadership.
Please note: This is a women only programme.

This course is free to South Gloucestershire Council staff.  For all external delegates there is a charge of £350.
Learning outcomes
This is a blended learning programme which consists of three of online training, self-reflection, digital content and network or mentor meetings. You will embark on 100 days of change and at the end of the programme create a 12 month plan. It is open to all women within the Council who are managers or who aspiring managers. There has been support by all the Directors and as a result the take up has been significant.

Day 1: The FREEDOM Method – This day is about self-leadership and personal development. The stages are - find out about yourself, review where you are now, experience and learn, explore possibilities, decide, overcome obstacles and make it happen, you will also begin 100 days of change.

Day 2: Personal impact and influence – leadership, generating presence, influence and persuasion, assertiveness and negotiation, personal networks and goal review

Day 3: Inspirational women and leadership – review of progress and achievement – inspirational women – leadership styles - mentoring – career advancement - goal setting for 12 months.

This course will provide you with

  • Greater confidence in your leadership potential, either as a current or aspiring leader.

  • A better understanding of yourself and what you can bring to a leadership role.

  • Understanding of how to use the FREEDOM Method personal development tool to gain confidence, improve your skills and create positive change in your career and life.

  • Understand how your personal impact and influence affects your leadership capabilities and how you can improve this to gain confidence and greater power over your own career.

  • Be inspired by the stories of other women leaders.

  • Set and achieve short, medium- and longer-term goals.

  • Create a 12 month plan for your leadership and professional development.

Start Date
Thursday 17 November 2022
End Date
Thursday 23 February 2023
Closing Date
Wednesday 16 November 2022
09:30 - 16:30
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event
 Webinar: Microsoft Teams, Teams
 Emma Ford
Start Date
Thursday 17 November 2022
 09:30 - 16:30
 Microsoft TEAMS, Virtual training
 Emma Ford
Start Date
Friday 18 November 2022
 09:30 - 16:30
 Microsoft TEAMS, Virtual training
 Emma Ford
Start Date
Thursday 23 February 2023
 09:30 - 16:30