Child Protection Update (Virtual Pilot)

Webinar: Zoom, Webinar
Event Tutors
Learning and Development
Admin Contact
Target Audience
Adopters / CAH Staff / Childminders / Pre-Schools & Nurseries / Schools / Short Break Carers / Voluntary Sector Workers
target audience
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Adopters and Foster Carers / Children and Young People / Safeguarding
Adopters and Foster Carers subcategories
CS2 - Safeguarding and Child Protection
Children and Young People subcategories
Children's Social Care / Early Years / Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding subcategories
Safeguarding Children
Event description

This pilot 2 hour webinar is delivered on behalf of the South Gloucestershire Children's Partnership.

Participants should be only those who have already completed an Advanced-level of Child Protection training within statutory or setting-related timescales, and who now need to maintain this level of training.

Also, it will be necessary for participants to have completed distance learning provided, prior to the webinar.

Participants will be expected to have a good working knowledge of safeguarding with experience of statutory and local child protection responsibilities and procedures.

Effective child protection depends not only on reliable and accepted procedures for all staff involved with children, but also on their skills, knowledge and judgment and the ability to work together co-operatively.

Staff with lead roles in child protection require specialised training in order to carry out their work with abused children and families.

The learning outcomes for this training are designed to ensure that all participants receive updates in the latest child protection legislation, statutory guidance, local policies, procedures and professional requirements.

The learning outcomes for this training are designed to ensure that all participants receive updates in the latest child protection legislation, statutory guidance, local policies, procedures and professional requirements.

Learning outcomes
As a result of the combination of completing required distance learning training and the online training session the participants will be able to:

Identify the latest child protection legislation, statutory guidance, local policies, procedures and professional requirements.

Apply a basic knowledge of Signs of Safety mapping when considering safeguarding and child protection whilst working as a professional within the South Gloucestershire Children’s Partnership.

Develop knowledge of and confidence in responding to contextual safeguarding concerns for children. i.e. risks to children outside of their homes, all types of exploitation, FGM and radicalisation
Start Date
Thursday 18 June 2020
End Date
Thursday 18 June 2020
Closing Date
Wednesday 17 June 2020
10:00 - 12:15
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event