The Communicating Two Year Old (cf)

Bradley Stoke Community School (Primary Phase), Fiddlers Wood Lane
Event Tutors
Simone Barnes / Claire Perry / PAULA YOUNG
Admin Contact
Target Audience
Childminders / Pre-Schools & Nurseries
target audience
Event Types
Course (daytime)
Course categories
Children and Young People
Children and Young People subcategories
Early Years
Event description

I am TWO!!

I’m two and I just want it; not that way or your way – my way!!!

I want only the red bowl… Absolutely no other bowl will do.

I only want to wear my pink shoes with purple butterflies, even though mummy tells me they are too small now, I always wear them to nursery. However, as my developing sense of self is emerging, together with my, at times, explosion of overwhelming emotion means that what I was able to share and communicate with you yesterday and maybe the day before – I just absolutely can’t today.

So I’m going to look at you with a frowning, disapproving look on my face…. I’m going to stamp my feet, scream and shout even louder than you have ever heard me before and sometimes just have a total melt down!!! I completely can’t cope with anything at this moment in time, I’m not able to draw on any other ways of communicating with you apart from throwing my whole self on the floor, wriggling around like a raged worm…. All whilst you look at me thinking, ‘It’s only the red bowl!!! What’s the problem?’ – Also as you wonder ‘What do I do now?’ If I pick you up…. You hit me. If I talk to you…. You can’t hear me yet as you’re already shouting so loud.

Just how can I help you??

Claire Lugg

Does this sound familiar? If so, please join us as this course will offer some explanations and practical strategies to support daily interactions with different communication styles. We will explore language development from birth to 3 and will specifically focus on the communication skills of two year olds and how you might support the behaviours associated with this.
Learning outcomes
To understand the language and communication development of a two year old.

To develop a deeper understanding of how to support the communication of two year olds.

To distinguish between the different types of communicator.
Start Date
Monday 13 May 2019
End Date
Monday 13 May 2019
Closing Date
Sunday 12 May 2019
13:00 - 16:00
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event