Disadvantaged Groups Network (cf)

Bradley Stoke Community School (Primary Phase), Fiddlers Wood Lane
Event Tutors
JACQUELINE LEWIS / Sinead McBride / Claire Perry / PAULA YOUNG
Admin Contact
Target Audience
Pre-Schools & Nurseries
target audience
Event Types
Network Meeting
Course categories
Children and Young People
Children and Young People subcategories
Early Years
Event description

These networks are aimed at all practitioners, leaders and managers who may have specific responsibility for overseeing vulnerable and disadvantaged children within their setting. It is also appropriate for those who wish to develop their knowledge of supporting children who may be at a disadvantage or deemed as ‘vulnerable’. You will have the opportunity to attend three different network sessions throughout 2019. 

As a network we aim to be responsive to the needs of the group on an ongoing basis, in addition each session will include a specific focus within the session, through a ‘spotlight’. These networks follow on from the successful networks which ran last year and include a series of new ‘spotlights’. 

Spring Spotlight on children who receive support through a SAFeh, child protection and Child in Need plan.

Summer Spotlight on engaging families.

Autumn Spotlight on funding, what various funding streams are available to you.

Each session will aim to include current research and thinking and will provide you with ways in which you can proactively narrow the gap for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable children in your care.
Learning outcomes
To understand the national and local picture of the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged or vulnerable children in your care.

To explore all aspects of potential vulnerability and disadvantage, understand the impact and be proactive in diminishing differences through an equality of opportunity.

To identify effective strategies which support specific vulnerable groups of children through a series of particular focus areas.
Start Date
Wednesday 13 November 2019
End Date
Wednesday 13 November 2019
Closing Date
Tuesday 12 November 2019
18:30 - 20:30
Maximum Places
Number of Sessions
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event