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Webinar: Microsoft Teams, Teams
Event Tutors
Learning and Development
Admin Contact
Target Audience
CAH Staff / External Care Providers / Pre-Schools & Nurseries / Schools / Voluntary Sector Workers
target audience
Event Types
Course categories
Adult Social Care / Children and Young People / Safeguarding
Adult Social Care subcategories
General Adult Social Care / Safeguarding Adult
Children and Young People subcategories
Children's Social Care / Safeguarding Children
Safeguarding subcategories
Safeguarding Adult / Safeguarding Children
Event description
Please note that you must be able to attend both sessions in order to complete this training.

This course is deemed Mandatory by the Adult and Childrens Senior Leadership Team. The Learning and Development will be contacting the line managers of South Gloucestershire Council staff to ensure that your work time will be protected (i.e. that you will be deemed ‘unavailable’ to work that day and free of all distractions).

If you are unable to complete both sessions within the course you will be asked to complete both sessions at a future date – it will not be possible to attend your second session on another cohort.

This new 1.5-day training programme is for staff who work with adults, children, young people and families based within statutory and voluntary/independent sector organisations across South Gloucestershire.

The aim of the programme is to promote effective multi-agency working between professionals and organisations aligned to national/local legislation, policy, guidance and best practice. A key focus will therefore be person/child-centred practice that promotes positive outcomes for those who lives are affected by domestic abuse.

The first half-day session will be delivered virtually via MS Teams. This will provide an opportunity to refresh and develop your knowledge base including in relation to the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and key learning from Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews. The importance of trauma informed practice underpinned by professional curiosity will be explored.
Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.

Delegates must attend day 1 and undertake an individual research/reflective task before attending day 2 of this training.

The second session will be delivered in-person, with a primary focus on exploring, developing and embedding best practice within the landscape of effectively multi-agency/disciplinary working. A broad range of topics will be included, e.g. intersectionality, child-centred practice within a whole family approach, effective risk assessment/monitoring and safety planning, professional self-care.

Throughout the session delegates will be encouraged to generously share their practice experience with colleagues, learn from others and move beyond knowledge, understanding and theory to application in their practice.

The individual learning task, along with active participation in both sessions are integral to the completion of the programme.

If you are from an external organisation and fail to attend one of the sessions you will still be charged for both sessions.
Learning outcomes
The learning outcomes for day 1 are:

  • Recap key legal duties under the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and other legislation relevant to domestic abuse and children, adults and families

  • Refresh knowledge on the range of ways in which domestic abuse is perpetrated including e.g. coercive control

  • Recognise how domestic abuse impacts on: children from conception through childhood and into adulthood; and adults

  • Recognise the additional vulnerabilities, risks and impacts on individuals from marginalised groups including: adults with support and care needs; older people; LGBT and minority communities; adolescents; individuals who experience poor mental health; those who abuse substances as a response to domestic abuse

The learning outcomes for day 2 are:

  • Provide examples of abuse that demonstrate the overlap between ‘violence against women and girls’ (VAWG) and domestic abuse

  • Evaluate learning from local and national Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews, Safeguarding Adult Reviews and Domestic Homicide Reviews

  • Recognise the importance of professional curiosity, a trauma informed and anti-bias approach in effective practice with children, adults and families who may be experiencing domestic abuse and that inappropriate professional responses can cause additional trauma

  • Outline the importance of child centred practice within a whole family approach when domestic abuse is taking place

  • Describe how to plan and carry out an effective assessment with children and families, to understand the nature of the abuse in each specific relationship

  • Engage effectively with individuals experiencing domestic abuse

  • Explain the use of safety planning to support an individual/family

  • Demonstrate effective use of language in written reports/records

  • Identify the range of local and national domestic abuse services

  • Demonstrate knowledge of relevant local policies, procedures and guidance to inform effective practice from referral to longer term work including: how to use DASH risk assessment tool/harm matrix; the role of the IDVA; how to refer to MARAC and relevant services

  • Know how to challenge abusive behaviour and engage with perpetrators

  • Explain what is meant by the term 'primary aggressor' and be able to work effectively with families where there may be abuse on both sides

Start Date
Wednesday 12 February 2025
End Date
Thursday 13 February 2025
Closing Date
Tuesday 11 February 2025
09:30 - 14:00
Maximum Places
Certificate expiry
Pass/Fail event